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The Big Idea Archive



  • samd
    samd ✭✭✭

    @arnoudtimmermans Unfortunately setting up duplicate threads is not the way it works here. There is a specific sticky thread on here which outlines this.

  • Two possible improvements / ideas
    (UK boiler / tank set up)
    1 - currently my tado uses Early Start to heat my rooms but as Nest activates at a different time. The tado algorithm can better learn to work together for maximum efficiency.

    2 - under the HomeKit ecosystem (with Homebridge for Nest) perhaps tado can make sure of the Nest status to better activate the smart radiator thermostats and vice versa. I am hoping many people stuck in the Nest ecosystem can benefit from tado’s proactive integration and upgrade.
  • samd
    samd ✭✭✭

    @james_f If you have a look around on this site, I'm sure you will notice the significant amount of 'must haves' many of which are of some age! I really cannot see how tado would be moved to address your suggestion when, at no cost to tado, you could buy fully into the tado system. However, as always, it is your call.

  • 100% agree.

    Bought two Wireless Thermostats V3+ Starter Kit.

    Have 2 independent boilers (day and night zone), due to joining 2 apartments.

    Turns out only one wireless receiver can be installed at the time. Whereas until now I had two Wireless thermostats working on different frequencies. An upgrade has signified a downgrade.

    What is the issue? Seems like an easy solution. Integrate the Wireless receiver into a Room. And make Sensor and Receiver communicate between them.

    Hoping for an update or returning both pack and downgrading to my older installation, in fact would be an upgrade.

  • I totally agree they can get quite loud at times!!
  • SandsSands
    The Boiler Room
    I live in an old cottage and have valves in every radiator + thermostat in lounge with tree radiator in it.
    It would be great to know the leanth of time the radiator had to call for heat while it was on
    Then I would know which room issuing the most fuel the most to heat.
  • Thanks for your feedback. And I was not aware of that thread.

    Perhaps my thread has more to do with finding the most effective way to:

    • make clear to Tado that there is an ommision in the system / need for extra functionality for multiple bridges on one account
    • be informed by Tado about the status to solve this issue / add the functionality to the system

    I have been told that using this platform is the best way. Do you have another suggestion?

    Looking at a number of the different threads regarding this topic I'm not sure this is the most effective way ...

    https://community.tado.com/en-gb/discussion/comment/2408#Comment_2408 - March 2019

    The solution suggested in this one is – with foil board, but that is not a really good solution. Technically is shown that the antenna used is very small. And the hope that a good solution will be available soon (January 2020).

    https://community.tado.com/en-gb/discussion/comment/15273#Comment_15273 - January 2020

    The solution suggested in this one is – two internet bridges part of one network on two accounts

     https://community.tado.com/en-gb/discussion/3696/running-two-internet-bridges-off-one-internet-router-box - January 2020

    The solution suggested in this one is – two internet bridges part of one network on two accounts

    https://community.tado.com/en-gb/discussion/comment/15096#Comment_15096 - July 2020

    This one has no solution.

    I really like the Tado system, but it would be great (for me and other users) if this functionality is added.

    Please help.

  • I am also waiting impatiently for the possibility of adding 2 bridge, so that on one account it would be possible to manage at least 2 locations (e.g. home and work)

    TADO what about you, 2 years and nothing?

  • Hi. I think it would be a good idea to be able to be able to name radiator valves on the app so if you decide to mix up the configuration you know which valves belong to which room.
  • Yep this would definitely be a great feature
  • rdepom
    edited January 2021

    I’d really like to see Tado offer deeper integration with the Apple smart home capabilities.

    I note that the capabilities of HomeKit are somewhat limited; there’s no ability for HomeKit to directly control the hot water for example. However, Apple provide an excellent framework for adding custom actions, called Shortcuts.

    Through Shortcuts, it would be possible, for example, to offer a command to start hot water heating. This could then be assigned to a Siri command or a HomeKit Scene by the user.

    *** I found another open issue for this. I can't seem to close this issue down, but please make sure you upvote the existing issue: https://tado.vanillacommunities.com/en-gb/discussion/3646/iphone-siri-shortcuts-support#latest

  • Turning the heating on and off per room with the smart radiator thermostats must become easier. First I would like an Home/Away switch per room, so that you can easily toggle between them depending on what you do. Second, I want to be able to create "custom modes", like the Away mode, but with specific rules for which rooms to heat how. For example, when I go to sleep, I want to turn the heating down in the other rooms, but the time I go to sleep varies with a few hours, so I can't effectively use the smart schedule. Similarly, if I am working from home, I want to heat the office, but not the rest of the house, and creating a schedule for that is simply not feasible, as the times that I am in the office vary from day to day.
  • Hi all, I guess we've all had the same issue with rechargeables. Managed to find a Ni-Zn battery at 1.6v which does the job and you don't get the low battery symbol / message.

    Bought mine at Hobbyking for less than £2 each, using a normal Ni-cd charger and all well.

    Attached a photo to show allegedly 1.7v. Only 1500mah, but performing well.

  • Yes, i would like this as well. Scenes in something like google assistant will already be able to do this, but they won't override the schedule if the room is set to return to schedule after manual change.

    Having the scenes in tado (which atm is only home/away) would solve this.

  • to keep track on every room when its starting to heat up and when its not the use of the smart schedule kinda help with the matter but if someone turn on the heating out of the smart schedule timing then you don't have idea that the room is heating up unless you open the app and you check it and that is inconvenient with the help of Push notification that could be ready easy.

    Thank you

  • Sorry GrayDav4276

    But what is TPI and learning used for? Just to stress the boiler several times an hour !?

    Nothing get savings on the gas bill, if we give more money on parts for boilers.

    Sorry for my English, people.

  • I'd like an option in the smart schedule to have a radiator's valve open, so if another room calls for heat this one gets it, but otherwise it doesn't actively call for heat. This would me an extra option when building a smart schedule (as sometimes you want it set to a temperature, and to work normally, other times to be off, and other times to be 'open valve'.

  • The thermostat learns how a particular room normally behaves, so it should be easy to detect critical irregularities.

    For example, I aired the bedroom yesterday morning and forgot to close the window until the evening. Tado has then simply heated the whole day full-power, although it would be very easy to recognize that something is wrong (heating for 1h on level 3 and temperature dropped by 3 degrees - normally after 1h level 3 increased by 2 degrees - alarm!)

    The same applies if once again a radiator is not vented (which unfortunately happens more often in our house) and you then come into an ice-cold bathroom. Here, too, tado could have easily detected this.

    Similar ideas have been posted before, but nothing has moved there since Dec 2019, although that would be really easy to implement. 

    Here again with the example from yesterday:

    Figure 1 shows how the room "Schlafzimmer" normally behaves. Before 20 o'clock, it heated here on level 3 and within minutes the temperature increases significantly.

    Picture 2 shows the same room. Here is obviously something strange, because the heating is on level 3 for hours and the temperature even decreases instead of increases.

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  • Yes, I also though that this should be a basic function for a "smart thermostat"

  • Hi @GrayDav4276

    So that room will now open the valve and call for heat when it falls below the temperature set for that room (as currently), but will also open the valve when any other room calls for heat?

    If so, that's interesting...

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  • Hoping this features to be addressed soon. Seems like is possible since Aqara P3 is able to do the described features even with a less powerful hardware... Please Tado, hear your clients!

  • Hi,

    I preferred the older app version for manual adjustments to the current heating temperature target.

    If I remember rightly, it was + and - buttons for the temperature adjustment (or was it gambling machine style number adjustment?), I cannot quite remember, but it was simpler to adjust. The current up/down slider I find fiddly and awkward to use. When I want to set a specific temperature, I always seem to overshoot or undershoot as the margin of each number change is so tiny.

    Same applies for the choice of until next automatic change / for specified time / until manual cancel - the slider is again fiddly and awkward to set a specific value.

    In summary - please change the two sliders back to the old way of choosing.

    Thank you,


  • My problems with Early Start are different from the norm and I'd be interested to hear whether anybody else is experiencing anything similar.

    I have 5 smart thermostats, 3 of which are set to start early, but only one of which - the bedroom (thank God it's the bedroom, though!!!) - actually starts heating before the scheduled time block. The other two stats do not begin heating until the time block is reached.

    Although my minimum threshold temperature in my Living Room is set only 4 degrees below the target temperature of the heated block, it can then take anything up to 4 hours for the room to get up to temperature. At time of writing I'm 3.5 hours into the time block in question and the room is still 0.75 degrees below target.

    I appreciate the problems you guys are having with too early a start, and I used to chunter about that myself, but this is frankly more irritating, in my opinion.
  • Schippie
    Schippie ✭✭✭
    edited January 2021

    Hi @Stephen_M I have a similar thing with the Smart Thermostat connected to my floor heating. It was always 2 hrs late on early start (only started around 30 mins before set time), and it overshot by 1-1,5 degrees in the end. It is clearly unequipped to handle floor heating situations, since the proper way to handle would be to start 1,5-2 hrs early, and start winding down heating before the temperature is reached.

    So I turned off early start and now created my own scheme that aims for 19 degrees first, then 19,5, to finally land on 20 degrees. Which is where I want it, and not at 21,5 like the tado algorithm insists it should be.

    I think maybe tado is calibrated only for medium sized rooms with radiators, and can’t handle anything else. So in my house (with radiators in the smaller rooms, and floor heating in the larger living room) its algorithms are not very useful.

    It’s a bit sad to find an otherwise brilliant concept (with nice-looking hardware) implemented in such a dumb way software-wise. But, with a bit of thinking you can replicate almost all of what the smart algorithm should do in your own schedule.

    I’m still a bit tempted to give Netatmo a go, though.

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  • It would be really great to set tado to away mode but for a set number of days. After the time expires tado would automatically be set to home mode again. At the moment I can only set it manually which relies on me remembering when to turn the heating back on.
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