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tado API

Mike ✭✭✭

Does tado have an API ? Where can I find the documentation ?

Best Answer

  • Emcee
    Emcee Admin
    Answer ✓

    Hello everyone, 

    Thank you for your interest in tado°'s products and, by extension, the company's API.

    Please be advised that, as of 12 February 2024, third-party API authentication methods are no longer compatible with official tado° apps and devices. The documentation for API shared by our colleague in this very thread in January 2019 is also no longer compatible. This means that any and all requests produced following this and similar third-party documentation can no longer be executed.

    The lack of compatibility between third-party API documentation and tado° products is rooted in the fact that the former incorrectly states users can substitute OAuth by username and password. This information is now outdated. It is no longer possible to do so. 

    Instead, we recommend updating your API authentication method using OAuth 2 by following the instructions in the following guide.

    If you would like to learn more about this change, especially how it affects Home Assistant, you can also read through this thread.

    Thank you for your continued involvement in tado°'s online community. We are always happy to hear from you!



  • Jurian
    Jurian Admin
    edited March 2022

    Although we do have an API, at this time we do not provide any documentation or support for it.

    At this time, the best documentation for the API can be found here:

    Please feel free to discuss any question you might have about the API in this topic together with other community members.

  • It looks like the room (zone) temperature is read-only?

    (My intention is to use the API to add small wireless temperature sensors to some rooms, where the human space is often very different than the TRV’s location.)

  • Hello gerwitz,

    As commented before, we don't support the API.

    However, what you intend can probably be achieved easily through some of the free official integrations, eg. IFTTT



  • gerwitz, did you get anywhere with this??
  • You can use the offset setting in the app to compensate for this. Just measure temp difference in the “human space” and check difference to TRV. Adjust the offset in the app in rooms setting.

  • dennisoliver, I’ve only found this useful up to a point. Sometimes the valves get warm before the room and shut off, then cool and come back on, rather than staying on until the room is up to temp. Would be neat to be able to add a small sensor.

    Obviously you can add more Tado wall thermostats, but they’re not cheap!

  • Adjusting the offset only works to some degree and takes a long time to get right. Setting the system up this way also appears to affect the reporting side of the app, ie if you want a temp of 19 deg and to achieve this you have to offset 3 deg, then the human space temp will be 19 deg, the valve will show 19 deg but the temp at the valve will actually be 22 deg. However, the Air Comfort report appears to use the 'shown' temp with the offset, ie 19 deg. So, the report is actually incorrect. Might as well just set the valve to 22 deg.
  • I just wrote a python script to correct the read temperature using an external sensor and it works great; now if I set a temperature, that temperature is effectively reached
  • samd
    samd ✭✭✭

    @jacoscar Can we hear more about this please?

  • Really interesting jacoscar. Waiting for the script to use without an additional sensor of temp. Great job!
  • Jon_On_A_Bike
    edited December 2019

    I've had a play, and written some code that directly sends offset information from an ESP8266 to Tado, using a DHT22 as the temperature sensor.

    It's not great code, but it does work. It's probably a bad idea to use more than one, in case they try and connect at the same time.

    I intend to replace it with several feeding into Home Assistant, to reduce the number of API calls


    ps, I hesitated to publish this, if you don't understand it, it's probably not for you ;-)

  • @jacoscar, would you mind showing me your script home assistant script? I am looking for a similar solution, where my Hue motion sensors, which are already in all the rooms, deliver the correct room temperature. I'm just not sure how to write a script that pulls the pulls the real temperature, calculates the required offset and then pushes it to the right room in Tado.

    Btw, is @Jacopo also your user?

  • Has anyone had any experience with Gérman’s suggested IFTTT integration? Using a third party thermostat to switch TRVs on and off?
  • Anyone else using HomeAssistant who thinks that adding the offset the existing integration would be a good idea, vote here: -

    It also contains details of my work-around

  • In combination with a Homey from Athom (and there Tado App for Homey) and for example Aqara/Xiaomi zigbee sensors it is possible to do a lot extra with Tado.

    I my self use the integration to switch between smart and not smart, but also for open window detection.

    if windows is opened, set tado temp to 12 degr. for ever.

    If window is closed, set back to smart.

    If someone changes room temp and windows is still open, set it temp again to 12 degr after 10 second

  • @jacoscar would be great if you didn't mind sharing you python script that works for home assistant?

  • If you are of a technical nature, and you want to integrate your tado products into a home automation system, then you may be interested in the following links

    • The openHAB home automation system tado binding is described here
    • The openHAB binding uses the API (described via "Swagger") here
    • Also look at Terence Eden's blog about the tado API here and Stephen Philips blogs here

  • @AndrewFG Thank you, I'm familiar with the links but I think they exploit API that tado uses for their website. Local API would be ideal as explained earlier, but if using API on their servers it should at least be official. Otherwise it may just change with the website redesign. There's also this client secret which can be easily used to cut off unofficial API use even without any redesign.

    Time put into integration, testing and so on, may end up costing more than devices themselves. If API is gone then it all goes to waste.

  • @comboy @jurian @Germán and anyone else from tado, I read comboys most recent posts here and registered to just say that while I really like what tado provides, the one niggling doubt about the whole system is the total reliance on tado servers, internet connection and such. Local API, I guess via some sort of hub or new bridge, would be top of my list for improvements. Geo fencing, weather updates and such I can live without temporarily on the odd occasion there are issues, but to lose the scheduling functionality in such circumstances is too much (not to mention the possible scenario of the servers being switched off altogether).
  • My specific interest has been addressed with the official temperature sensor, but I share the concerns here about dependance on an unofficial, external (cloud) API.

    Unless I misunderstand, though, using HomeKit as the means of integration keeps any integration local, no?

  • I have a Tado Extension Unit model BU2 that is used to enable the central heating boiler. Does anyone know if there is an API command to read the state of its enable command relay?

  • elmopl
    edited August 2021

    However, what you intend can probably be achieved easily through some of the free official integrations, eg. IFTTT

    Is there any place we can see what features are planned to be added to HomeKit API?

    There are at least two features missing from making Tado valves a really nice option:

    • battery level information
    • fully open valve without requesting heat or changing temperature setting

    Nice to have would be also ability to open valve partially.

    I have installed handful of valves as test, and so far I really like the look and hardware, but being unable to control them properly (I do not want my heating system to be dependent on my Internet connection) makes me investigate other brands.

  • See also the python https://github.com/germainlefebvre4/libtado wrapper around the same api used by those tools.

  • I don't think I really want to use that API, as it's for 'tado-the-cloud-based-software' and only indirectly controls the actual heating stuff. I'd like an API to 'tado-the-hardware-in-my-home'. Especially more direct control over the actuators (turn on that boiler, close that valve, how far is that radiator opened?). Most of the sensors are barely useful, as in the wrong locations, so being able to read them is not too important. Battery level would be nice, though.
  • Is it possible to get the current flow temperature ?

  • I’m not convinced Tado has that data. It doesn’t expose on my setup.

  • @Valaki1234 It' possible to see with tado pro app > System Check > connection details > current flow temperature