Tado X sensor turns the heating off
I had tado x installed few days ago.
I have the starter kit - only one sensor and I’m using it manually no smart anything or schedule.
I realised I think when the set temperature is below the room temperature. It just doesn’t turn the heating off. It sets itself to winter mode holiday mode frost protection whatever you name it.
It happened on the day. I found out by chance when I wanted to check it whilst passing by.
It reads the room temperature as 25 and I set it to 23 degrees.
Then later on in the day I checked it and it shows as off as I mentioned above. Below 5 degrees
I was already shocked to find out display is always off which is mind blowing. I think I should have the freedom to choose if I want to save the battery or not.
Is it randomly turning off thing common with these? I paid a dear amount of money for this to change it again.
I had tado x installed few days ago.
I have the starter kit - only one sensor and I’m using it manually no smart anything or schedule.
I realised I think when the set temperature is below the room temperature. It just doesn’t turn the heating off. It sets itself to winter mode holiday mode frost protection whatever you name it.
It happened on the day. I found out by chance when I wanted to check it whilst passing by.
It reads the room temperature as 25 and I set it to 23 degrees.
Then later on in the day I checked it and it shows as off as I mentioned above. Below 5 degrees
I was already shocked to find out display is always off which is mind blowing. I think I should have the freedom to choose if I want to save the battery or not.
Is it randomly turning off thing common with these? I paid a dear amount of money for this to change it again.