Need confirmation if this can be done with Temperature Sensor and Thermostat X?
I would like to ask for help for the following situation: our house does not have radiators, only floor heating. Multiple circles but no zones (so there are no separate zone controlling). I got the Tado X Thermostat, which works perfectly with our boiler (there is only 1 boiler in the whole house).
There is just one issue. The Thermostat is in my living room, and the house is so big that the temperature is usually a little bit different on the other end of the house (my father's bedroom). This is because that room receives much less sunlight.
Now if I set the temperature for 22 celsius, it reaches that temp on my side faster and then shuts off the heating, but on my father's side the temp is still around 20-21 so it is not ideal.
Can I put one smart temp sensor in his room and tell the tado app to take into consideration what is the temp there, and keep the heating on until it is 22 celsius in his room as well?