Tado X TRV not causing a heat call

Hi, I've recently bought 2 X TRVs and a thermostat, and an x bridge.
One trv and the thermostat are located in the bathroom, the second trv is in the bedroom.
When I set the temperature target in both bathroom and bedroom to a higer temperature than the actual temperature the thermostat does a heat call to the boiler. However, when I only raise the setpoint in the bedroom, the thermostat does not do a heat call even though the bedroom TRV is expecting it to do so.
This never happened in my previous home with V3 devices so I'm guessing this is a bug? Any help is appreciated!
One trv and the thermostat are located in the bathroom, the second trv is in the bedroom.
When I set the temperature target in both bathroom and bedroom to a higer temperature than the actual temperature the thermostat does a heat call to the boiler. However, when I only raise the setpoint in the bedroom, the thermostat does not do a heat call even though the bedroom TRV is expecting it to do so.
This never happened in my previous home with V3 devices so I'm guessing this is a bug? Any help is appreciated!
Best Answer
Ok, I found the issue, the Bedroom "room" had no zone controller set up, this was not an expected step I needed to take, during onboarding of the TRV and adding it to a new room it was never asked. Perhaps as a feature suggestion the app should suggest adding it to a zone controller.
I'm having the same issue but all my TRV's are assigned to the one Receiver X I have as the Zone Controller.
Turning a single room TRV up to 30° appears to do a single pathetic 2 minute call for heat from the boiler in the entire 1 hour 'boost'. This isn't even enough time to raise the water past about 40° at the boiler, and deffinately not long enough for the pump to get it to the radiator.
The only way I can get the system to turn the boiler on consistently is to boost all rooms, and even then it seems to fluctuate on and off (mine is a relay system, not open them).
I asked about changing the min burn time parameter to 10 minutes, but I was told it's not available for Tado X yet and should be coming later this year.
The system feels broken if a single radiator can't call for heat, I might as well go back to a single thermostat Nest which I could at least rely on to turn the heating on when asked.0