w.Intercom = i;What’s the deal with feature requests? — tado° Community

What’s the deal with feature requests?

Hello community,

Many of you have expressed interest in learning more about how / whether tado° includes community feature requests in its product development process. 

Here’s a quick overview of how your feature requests reach tado°’s decision makers.
(Please note that ‘feature requests’ refer to posts made in the ‘Suggestions, ideas and improvements’ section of the forum. These can only be created via a ‘new idea’ post).

Do requests posted on the community forum matter?

Yes. The feature requests posted in the community are considered alongside feedback collected in largescale customer surveys, customer interviews, and data gathered from support chats. This means that requests posted on the community make-up about ¼ of the requests considered by tado°. Naturally, many of these requests overlap.

Do upvotes impact whether or not an idea is / will be implemented?

Yes. Votes on popular feature requests, even when made in different languages on the community, are tabulated. We currently have a detailed overview of the top 10 community feature requests and are keeping track of requests increasing in popularity.

How is a request made on the community communicated to decision makers at tado°?

Monthly product development meetings are held between those who manage the community and those who design our products. During these meetings, requests made on the community are discussed.

How do you decide which features to implement?

Ultimately, the product team considers data collected from all sources (surveys, interviews, community requests, and support chats) alongside tado°’s short and long-term business goals.

Some features are implemented even without input from the above sources in order to ensure an optimised experience for all tado° users. 

Keep your requests coming!

Below are just some of the feature requests made on the community that have been implemented by tado°:

Please keep your requests coming, we are continually listening 💛