w.Intercom = i;Google Nest WiFi Pro and Tado X Thermostat — tado° Community

Google Nest WiFi Pro and Tado X Thermostat

Just bought 6 tado x thermostats - 2 for each floor. I have ethernet backhaul with google wi fi pro which works great on each floor.
But I can not connect to tado x thermostats :(
Is it possible to make them work without tado bridge x ? And if it’s not - I think I will return them. I would need need a bridge x for each floor to get a reliable connection :(

And I bought them becease I was sure that they worked without Bridge on google nest wifi pro routers which supports Thread

This is from Tado site:

You won't need an additional Bridge X if:
You already have a tado° Bridge X
You already have a Thread border router by another brand

Best Answer

  • wateroakley
    wateroakley Volunteer Moderator
    Answer ✓

    @Bobenzini Hello Bobenzi, Welcome. I'd suggest that you reach out directly to Tado support. The easiest way to start is from the Tado website, the chat box is in the bottom right-hand corner.


  • Emcee
    Emcee Admin

    Hello @Bobenzini

    I see you have opened a ticket with our support team, please stay in contact. Perhaps other devices in your home can act as Thread Border Routers for the time being. Even if you choose to return your devices, you have to do so through support.

    I can also provide more information regarding why your Google Nest routers are not working. Google has yet to implement Nat64 capability to its Thread Border Routers, which means that tado° features such as Auto-Assist are not possible with these as of yet. Ongoing tado° feature and firmware improvements, as well as security updates, are also not possible without a Nat64 capability.

  • Yes I'm in contact with Tado support team and there is some progress :) I enabled IPv6 on Nest Wi-Fi Pro routers - as I was told to - and have been able to connect to my Radiator X Thermostats, but I'm losing connection to them from the Tado app right after I finish the installation and they switch to manual control.

    Then I tried to connect them with Apple Home App - after fabric restore - and I can see them in my Home app now - and I can manage temperature from there.

    But I need to make them work with Tado App to get all the advantages that Tado provides…

    I will continue to stay in contact with your support team and I hope we can get it to work in some way.

  • Hello Bobenzini,

    Did you find a solution to your problem?
    I have exactly the same case with my Google Nest Wifi pro

  • Yes I did 😊 With the help from Tado support team. The solution is Apple TV 4K. I think you need the latest version.
    This is from Apple webiste
    “ 4K (third generation)
    It comes in two configurations, a Wi-Fi-only model with 64 GB of storage, and a more expensive 128 GB model with Wi-Fi, Ethernet and a Thread radio.”
  • @Bobenzini
    I'm not sure I understood your answer.

    Here is my problem: I have a Google Nest WiFi pro which acts as a Thread router.
    When installing the Tado x thermostat from the Tado app, detection and connection to the Thread network is fine. But once back on the Tado app my thermostat is disconnected.
    IPV6 is successfully enabled on my network.

    if I install the bridge provided by Tado everything works perfectly, but I would like to understand why it does not work with my Google Nest WiFi Pro.
