w.Intercom = i;If internet goes down, how exactly does Tado V3 thermostat work — tado° Community

If internet goes down, how exactly does Tado V3 thermostat work

just had the Smart Thermo V3 installed with the internet bridge, and of course the wireless recevier. The wireless receiver connected to the new Worcestor 4000 combi boiler. Everything is working fine and i control it on the app.

I just wondered if interent fully goes down hows does it work. Can i change the temperature manually on the smart thermostat and it will talk to the wireless receiver to change heating temp?

Final question - My engineer also mentioned about pushing a button on the wireless receiver to overide and start the heating up again. What exact situation might this be needed in?

many thanks



  • royi
    royi ✭✭✭

    Tado has announced their new range of Tado heating system which is Thread and Matter compatible and available in the UK in the autumn and works with or without an internet connection.

    If the internet goes down with the existing system V3+, you can still control it manually at home, but not via the app. So if you lose connection and you are away from home and your heating is on, your system will continue heating until you manually intervene - can you imagine what the cost would be.

    I suggest taking the system out, invest in their new product or go to their competitors. I'm sure this will depend on pricing.

  • Emcee
    Emcee Admin
    edited May 16

    Hello @JLH,

    With V3 devices, you can always control your heating directly from said devices' interface. This is true both when the internet is and is not working.

    However, when the internet is down, you can't control your heating remotely via the tado° application.

    This means that, if your internet was down and you made changes directly on your devices, the app would only be made aware of these changes once the internet returned. You can read more about this process here.

    With regards to your last question, I suppose the button was shown to you in case your set-up stops working as intended. If that's ever the case, try pressing the button on your Wireless Receiver. Contact support if this action does not yield desired results.

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  • cbd20
    cbd20 ✭✭✭

    @SteveIreland I'm still highly sceptical about the roll out of local schedule storage for V3+ devices…

    It strikes me that as tado customer service wouldn't elaborate on it when I asked them directly last week, and now the announcement of the new tado X devices this week, I suspect the two things are related and that support page is an error.

    My guess is that it should say tado X devices will support offline schedules. I can't see why they would bother to update a set of devices that are about to become "old hat", when they can instead encourage users to upgrade to a new all-singing all-dancing version…

    I am of course very happy to be proven wrong.

  • royi
    royi ✭✭✭

    @cbd20 you are correct and I do think the information on the page was an error. Tado won't be investing heavily in V3+ now that they have a new X system. If they did however implement the local schedule storage, what would be the point of buying Tado X.

  • cbd20
    cbd20 ✭✭✭
    Interesting - out of interest what devices do you have?

    If I can be bothered later I might investigate. Trouble is, it's now warm enough where I am that the schedule won't kick in anyway without me modifying it to a higher set temp first.

    It is curious as when I directly asked tado support and got passed through to 2nd level technical support, the response I got was pretty much "I'm not at liberty to tell you whether your devices are or are not affected."
  • It will be disappointing if local scheduling isn't implemented in the older system.

    I get that the new system is being released, which is great for new customers or those looking to upgrade but for people like me with a system of just a year old, I don't want to spend even more money changing to the new system. I'd be more inclined to pick a different brand

    I can't believe they can't make the new bridge compatible with the older system to allow us to link it to third party hubs
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