Add dates and times when not home

It’d be great to have an option to add future dates and times when you know you’ll be leaving home in the morning, so that the system doesn’t start heating full on. Since that’s not the same everyday, it’s hard to get this into a standard schedule.
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  • samd
    samd ✭✭✭

    As an interim solution could you not switch to Away mode the night before?

  • GrayDav4276
    GrayDav4276 ✭✭✭
    edited February 28
    There are many scenarios that can have a simple (manually controlled) workaround.....however it seems that many users want this (supposedly) Smart CH system to do this automatically for them.
    This is not meant as a criticism....but merely to point out that tado is not, and never will be, a truly useful Smart system......also, it should be taken in to mind that tado are extremely unlikely to devote any more funds or indeed physical resources into an "OLD" generation of devices.