w.Intercom = i;Recommended Powerline Adapter — tado° Community

Recommended Powerline Adapter


I am trying to improve the connection between my Wireless Receiver and my Internet Bridge as the connection seems to be being lost periodically. I have been advised to try connecting the Bridge to a Powerline Adapter to extend the range. Can anyone recommend one they have used to do this successfully in a three-storey house? I know there are a lot of different ones available so it would be good to have a recommendation.


Best Answer

  • davidlyall
    davidlyall ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    I use an older TP-Link pair of powerline adapters for something else in my house. No issues at all. Can't recall the model but mine are basic with just a single ethernet port and power pass through which is all you'd need for the bridge.

    I would happily recommend TP-Link for this and they're not expensive.


  • wateroakley
    wateroakley Volunteer Moderator

    Our rellie uses a tp-link Wi-Fi extender to connect their internet dongle.

  • Why on earth Tado think it’s acceptable to allow only one Bridge per account is beyond me! Why we can’t have multiple Bridges as signal repeaters? You can do this with WiFi and Zigbee. Why Tado can’t sort this out shows what a poor tech company they are. Their attitude towards this is shocking. It’s ridiculous that we have all invested so much money in a system with such limitations that result in poor reliability! Are you listening TADO?? Your customers are getting sick of this!
  • Completely agree, I’ve an old English stone property with my boiler in an external shed. My internet bridge has to be in a back room in order to talk to my boiler. So the radiator valves now cannot talk to the internet bridge.. why this can’t be done via zigbee..
  • Scrawf
    edited February 2024
    Yep I simply do not understand why this is not a top priority for Tado. It’s been an issue for years if you google. But they could not give a toss and support treat you like a moron. Ever other system in my house had the ability to extend network coverage via mesh network except for Tado. It’s so antiquated!
  • Tado°’s RF inadequacy is frustrating as the system works well in many ways. My own solution was to leave the bridge in its central position and bring the wireless receiver closer to it by extending the 5 way connection to the mid position valve. This has worked well and pretty much eliminated drop outs between the two.