w.Intercom = i;Geofencing — tado° Community


I just bought autoassist. However I put on geofencing. My partner and I went out. But the thermostat did not go off . On thermostat have away mode switched to frost protection . Any ideas.

Best Answer

  • reef2417
    Answer ✓
    This is what they said.

    You need to set a Smart Schedule on all your rooms, as all of them can demand heat from the Wireless Receiver and your Wireless Temperature Sensor is only a Temperature sensor that cannot physically close any zone or valve.
    The principle behind it is explained in this Help Center article: How does tado° control radiator heating systems with a central thermostat?
    To examine what exactly happened at the time you were leaving, I will need an exact time when you left your home, as the room itself was actually set to 5°C at cca. 10:48 but then very briefly was set back to 20°C and then back to 5°C (manual command).
    Having a real timeline helps me also understand what exactly happened.

    Kind regards,


  • pcone
    pcone ✭✭✭
    edited January 2024

    Did it show you both being away in the app? You may need to make sure that the app has the right permissions on your phone otherwise it can't track you

  • pcone
    pcone ✭✭✭

    @reef2417 : replying here in case it's useful for someone else.

    Do you have preheat before arrival set to comfort?

    With the 'comfort' setting, if you're away from home, but still nearby, it'll only drop the set temperature very slightly compared to the schedule, and then decrease more as you move away.

    The 'balance' setting for me reduces the set temperature by about 1.8C when I'm away but nearby, which for my house is ideal. As I move further away, it'll reduce the set temperature down to the 12.0C that I've set

  • How do I add photo to this message
  • Think I did it. Those are my away settings.
  • pcone
    pcone ✭✭✭

    Can you also send a screenshot of the main app page when you're away, and of the graph page so I see if that flags anything up?

  • I contacted tado. They said if I manually alter the heating then when I leave geofencing won’t turn heating off even I away mode. I have to use schedules for geofencing to work. Do you know if thermostat on my wall can switch heating off if turned off. Tado seem to be saying that the wall thermostat is just a sensor . That means If I leave radiator on and turn thermostat on wall off the heating stays on. How do you add screenshot.
  • They also said this previously

    I checked your tado° account for the device and room that you sent us the screenshots for.
    The setting of 20°C in the room Thermostat was definitely done manually. Now if you use the Apple HomeKit, the command might have come from the HomeKit. In that case please check the settings in the HomeKit then.
    Usually, since you have enabled the Geolocation on your devices it is already enough to leave your home and it automatically transfers the tado° home into AWAY settings.
    However, the manual command overwrit the setting of 5°C, resulting in the heating being activated.
    Kind regards,
  • pcone
    pcone ✭✭✭
    edited January 2024

    Ahh yes, the geofencing control will only affect the scheduled operation. If you want to manually control the heating there's not much point paying for auto assist. Better to set up suitable schedules on the assumption that you're home, and let the geofencing turn the heating down/off when you're away.

  • Does the thermostat on wall turn boiler off or not. If not what is its use