Does Tado work properly?


This room is calling for heat:

Yet, when I look at the UFH actuators they are closed and there is no flow.

Check the Wireless extension box and that's calling for heat. HP is on... Which might be because another room is calling for heat.

Everything must be wired properly as the actuators open. I just don't understand why these wouldn't be open when the room is calling for heat.


  • davidlyall

    Often with their TRVs when only 1 wavy line is shown, Tado doesn't actually start heating unless there is more demand on the system from other rooms

    However, if you're saying that the heating was running, I would find it odd that it hadn't opened the actuator but I'm not familiar with how Tado works with those. I assume they can only be fully open or closed since Tado smart thermostat is just an on/off relay

    Tado support may be able to help further

  • datoon

    I'm in the process of removing all my Tado's and moving to a simpler single solution for the house.

    Heat pumps and zoning hasn't really worked, caused quite a few issues with the HP.