Custom Smart Schedule


Hi , I often need additional options depending our home situation. Most of the time I need also a schedule Home but upstairs OFF or Home but upstairs normal schedule. When kids are home sick or we plan to use more the upstairs during the weekend

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  • SPT
    SPT ✭✭
    Just get Alexa to set upstairs off?
  • I would like the ability to have alternate profiles too. For example, during holidays, we're using the living room more, and when we have guests, we need the guest room to be heated. It is not ideal to be constantly editing the schedules, and no, using a voice assistant to control rooms isn't a good alternative.
  • SalubriousCabbage
    edited October 2023
    Deleted duplicate comment
  • Gazab
    I wholly agree. It’s been raised many times in the community. The option for a selectable smart schedule would be useful for different scenarios, especially with quests coming through the Christmas season and school holidays. Without this feature it defeats one of the advantages of having an intelligent heating system. Please Tado update the app to feature this next time around!?
  • Nidonada
    I agree, just got this system and and one of the goals was for example turning my daughters rooms on and off when she is here and not at her moms place. So I got really surprised when you are not even able to select custom days for the schedule.

    We need to be able to create schedules freely and to our needs.
  • GrayDav4276
    Sorry to tell you this but tado has been requested to provide this type of request for a very long time now....and they have done nothing about it.....and they never will for the current range of devices and App
  • Agreed. My wife and I work from home, but it would be nice to, switch schedules (eg not heating the office room) during periods when we are not working, or switch the guest room to a different schedule when we have guests vs when the room is not used. At the moment, I have to go through and set the schedule manually each time.