w.Intercom = i;img.ProfilePhoto.ProfilePhotoMedium { padding: 10px; }What to do with the TADO room stat ? — tado° Community

What to do with the TADO room stat ?

I fitted a TADO room stat etc to control my boiler and everything works ok, i then fitted TADO radiator TRV's to every room and they work 100% ok, very pleased with the level of heating control i know have.

So my question is , now i have TADO control on every radiator, what do i do with the room stat, does it need to be connected at all ?


  • gary333
    gary333 ✭✭✭

    I presume you have a wireless kit, as you'd have needed the thermostat to fire the boiler if it was wired.

    Are you sure that your system has a bypass (outside of the boiler), if not, it's a good idea to at least leave one radiator without a TRV. The way Tado works is that it closes the valves before it shuts off the boiler, the boiler will then run it's pump for some time. If you have TRV's on every radiator and no bypass you are causing problems for your boiler as that's a lot of heat to get rid of with nowhere to go.

  • I'd echo the point about having at least 1 room without TRV (either old school or Tado controlled). A lot of people have the Bathroom unrestricted as they like the bathroom to be hot whenever anything else in the house is calling for heat.

    One the room controller, if it's wireless, I believe this can be paired with TRVs in a room so that the Room stat is the one telling the TRVs they are up to temperature rather then the stats in the TRVs for more reliable control. I'm not sure if this works in Independent mode when the TRVs aren't set up to call for heat but it sounds like yours are. If it's wired then that needs to be connected as that's what Tado uses to fire up the boiler, but I think you can set it so it isn't used as a room stat in it's own right.

  • awr
    edited January 2023
  • awr
    edited January 2023
    Oops.. wrong discussion. Sorry.
  • yes i do have wireless room stat, not a wired one, and yes i do have 2 small radiators Yes in the bathrooms) that do not have TADO TRY's just the conventual TRV's which are left on full all the time to cater for the TADO valves shutting off and the boiler running on.

    so my question again is now i have TADO control on every radiator, (apart from 2) what do i do with the room stat, does it need to be connected at all ? what actually is it doing ??

  • wateroakley
    wateroakley Volunteer Moderator
    Suggest that you put the room stat in your most used room eg the lounge. It is more accurate at measuring than the trvs.
  • RoryFire
    edited February 2023

    I summer we use it to turn the boiler on so just the bathroom rads warm up.

    In winter we use it to control the temp in the kitchen / diner as there's three rads in there and the temp detection in the SRVs doesn't work so well due to other influences, cooking, solar gain etc.

  • Good ideas , I had thought of most of them, but if it is not used as a room thermostat because using tado try’s everywhere, then what is it for?? Looks to me like I didn’t need to buy it ??
  • It gives a more accurate temperature reading than a Tado trv will do, so put it in a room where the trv isn’t very accurate and make it the measuring device like @wateroakley has already suggested.
  • WillYZF
    WillYZF ✭✭
    edited February 2023

    I currently have a wired Tado thermostat connected to my combi boiler. Having visited this Forum daily I am content to leave it at that and now have no desire to purchase Tado TRV's.

    There are two reasons for this:

    1.The age and condition of my manual TRV's render them problematic especially for a Tado upgrade.

    2.Tado TRV's seem to be problematic and inaccurate (due to proximity to radiator?).

    My advice would be to place your faith in the Tado room thermostat and question whether you needed to buy Tado TRV's for th most used room.

  • hi all, thanks for your suggestions i do find the different ways you all use the TADO trv's and wired or wireless thermostats, interesting , i had new heating system installed a year or so ago so all my radiator valves were new which is probably why i have not received any battery warnings that other folk seem to get. i appreciate the room thermostat could be more accurate than the trv's but i still cant see the purpose of it if i have TRV's on every radiator bar 1 in the bathroom, but thanks anyway for your contributions.