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Control underfloor heating with Tado


I used to have 6 radiators in my house and controlled them with a Tado Starter Kit - Wired Smart Thermostat with 6 Tado Smart radiator knobs. We recently had a renovation and removed 2 radiators that were in the living room and installed underfloor heating.

We installed underfloor heating with Grundfos distributor which has a thermostat to define the temperature of the water.

Now I was thinking about how I can control this underfloor heating with Tado. Can anyone help me with this?

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

  • Solentmancub
    Answer ✓


  • Did you manage to solve this in the end? I have almost the exact same setup and was thinking of replacing the thermostat knob in the top left of the picture with a Tado radiator knob. Maybe that could work?
  • xfield
    edited December 2023
    You need a wired thermostat, which will act as its own zone controller. When heat is required it'll enable your actuator and pump.

    I have two zones on my manifold, and use a Heatmiser UH4, which looks after bringing together the various signals from my two wired thermostats for the two zones, as well as the extension kit I have for the radiators. Whenever any zone demand heat, it enables the boiler, the pump, the actuators and a zone valve.

    You may already have a wiring centre, if so just swap whatever thermostat you have controlling the ufh for a tado one.
  • Xfield's approach will work. The photo you presented with a thermostat by the manifold is not an air thermostat, that specific thermostat measures the UFH water temperature. The manifold seems to serve five ufh loops and they seem to be controlled as one group, the assumption being that they are correctly balanced against each other. If you look carefully and trace the wiring from the UFH pump it will get its power from a wiring centre which will probably also control a two port valve that feeds power to that pump. A wired Tado thermostat would then be inserted to control that zone.