Get the status of the relay


I have 3 wired thermostats connected with Home Assistant (both clouyd and local by HomeKit).

I would like to know the status of the thermostat relay. That is, if the thermostat is asking my stove to turn it on or off. In the app this information is absent (I don't understand why) and there are 3 waves that give an idea of the energy request.

Even in the API there seems to be no such data. There is only the "heating" value that changes. Increases on heat demand.

Isn't there an easy way to get this information?


  • ThorstenWien

    Ever got an answer to this... hate to check with a multimeter all the time ;-).

  • array81

    Obviously not, in Tado they have their own concept of smart. I can't even implement something as trivial as this.