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Wireless thermostat offline

Hi have just had new wireless v3+ installed, the bridge and controller are online but the wireless thermostat is off line, have tried pairing loads off times have reset, have moved the bridge but can’t get it online, any ideas?


  • Hi, i have similar problems with my 11 smart radiator thermostats. Only that they are randomly going offline and online. Sometimes it works fine and then all of a sudden some of them are offline. I´ve tried moving bridge and changed batterys and also reconnecting but the results are all the same.

    I can add that everything worket perfectly for a couple of months before the problems started, not even one time i could see a thermostat offline in the app. I can also add that the bridge has perfect connection with internet and cloud, all lights has always been on.

    Anyone that can help?

  • Same issue here, since a couple of days with a few smart radiator thermostats (1-2 out of 11). Worked perfectly for months, did not change anything to the setup. Very annoying. Would appreciate some tips that go beyond what is explained on tado website as that does not help (resetting the device, etc.).
  • Some of our thermostats frequently become offline for no apparent reason. Keep relinking them, they work for a while, then go offline again. I have spent a lot of money on the system but am afraid to add radiator thermostats if Tado is so rubbish. If anyone has any suggestions to fix this, I'm all ears😊
  • Weak RF and the lack of a signal boost device is one of the tadoº system's greatest defects; I believe the company is reasonable about equipment returns where the physical structure of a property prevents its proper operation . . .

  • wateroakley
    wateroakley Volunteer Moderator

    Moving the internet dongle to a central location in your house, and higher up, may give better results. Have a search through the forum for some of the other posts for ideas. If you want to move the dongle around the house, our rellie used an inexpensive Wi-Fi extender with an Ethernet port to connect the dongle and a separate usb power block.