Smart AC Control Does Not Work With Auto Mode


After a couple of hours testing the Tado controller vs my AC unit's stock controller, I'm convinced the Tado has some serious issues with 'auto' mode. (For reference, the AC is a Daikin FTXB09AXVJU heatpump unit). When I select 'auto' heat/cool mode, auto fan, 76F degrees on the Daikin controller, temp holds reasonably steady at around 75.5 degrees in the center of the room. If I select the same settings with the Tado unit, the AC appears to go into full-blast cooling mode. Temp drops precipitously and does not stabilize at all. Send the same command again from the stock controller and temp goes back to normal and stabilizes.

Anyone else experiencing this issue? It's a real bummer since we're in the awkward season between hot and cold weather so I can't simply set to cool or heat.


  • dgrintz

    @dardenlinux I am having the same issue and also note that my Tado Smart V3+ AC controller does not show the Auto mode in HomeKit but does in the controller app. The controller is replacing the stock AC Controller for an FTXS25GVMA indoor unit split unit. I too am finding that temperature control in Auto mode does not work well and is quite different when Cool mode is used.

  • zayaayar
    Same here. I was looking at videos of the Sensibo Ac control and that did look like there was Auto mode in HomeKit for that so doesn’t appear to be a limitation of HomeKit. Has anyone figured this out or is this a limitation of tado?