Lock for smart thermostat


Not sure if this has been suggested in the past, however a lock of the smart thermostat for me would be a great idea. I have one in my living room, and my daughter is constantly fiddling with it. On top of this, my sister in law is constantly blasting thw heating up to max when thete is no need. Being able to lock and unlock this via the app, would be a great addition, in my opinion.
9 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • GrayDav4276
    This feature is already available....Go to
    Settings>Rooms & Devices.......select the device that you want to lock.....select "Child Lock"
    Once selected the device can not be adjusted "manually"..... Job Done 👍
  • Chris1784
    Agreed, I have a similar problem. I know radiator controls can be locked, I want the smart thermostat to be locksble
  • rafm5
    rafm5 ✭✭✭

    @GrayDav4276 Only Smart Radiators support 'child lock' feature.

  • GrayDav4276
    Hi All,
    I apologise for not realising that the request was NOT about the SRT's.....that'll teach me to read the comment more closely.....sorry if I have wasted your time ⌚🙏🤐
  • Heatexpert

    Whilst there isn't a child lock for the smart thermostat, as a workaround, if you go to Rooms & Devices from Settings and select the smart thermostat, you can set the "Manual Control on tado device" at the top of the screen to "Timer" and select a very short time. That way the manual setting caused by fiddling fingers will only last a few minutes at a time. The minimum is one minute. Not ideal but it should help.

  • AshMantra

    I agree not ideal - is a child lock feature something that will be added in the near future? It surely wouldn't be difficult!

  • billo5
    This would be very useful, have Tado accepted as an enhancement opportunity?