Have an option to dim or extinguish the lights on the wireless receiver.
The LED lights on the wireless receiver are very bright in a dark room, e.g. a bedroom at night. It would be a useful feature to be able to dim or extinguish the lights on the wireless receiver.
child proof fixation of the radiator thermostat
The radiotor thermostat comes loose way to easy. My 14 months old kid had it loose in no time. What is the point of having a child protection mode in the software, if the hardware is not child proof.
Airco and heating syncronisation
It would be great if Tado airco and standard Tado heating controls could synchronise in the same room so that heating doesn’t try to heat when airco is cooling. This seems like an obvious feature, but apparently they are two totally different systems in the app. This is a shame as in many cases in Europe the heating is…
Use one thermostat to override all system
Hi, It would be good to set one ST or TRV or whatever that when overriding the programmed schedule through its interface (not from the app), it will override the whole system to the specified temperature.
Intervals dans progamming
HI, I think we should be able to get interval from monday to thursday for we not need to program every day individually. Because weekend begins when we finísh our worktime and we change our habits
Lowest sepoint temp is 16 degrees
On my Mitsubishi AC can i set the setpoint as low as 5 degrees. In Tado app the lowest setpoint is 16 degrees. Make it possible to have lower setpoint in Tado then 16 degrees!
Directly select room on the Graph page, without navigating away
Please could a drop down to select each room be included on the graph screen in the App? This would allow quicker comparison of how different rooms have behaved, without having to navigate away to a different room and then selecting the charts again and again. I find the graphs of each room very useful, but find it…
Greenstar 8000 EMS compatibility
Please develop EMS compatibility with Worcester Bosch Greenstar 8000 range to permit proper modulation control.
Assign more than 10 spaces to the zone controller
Our house has 14 rooms, 20 smart radiator thermostats and one smart thermostat. We want to be able to set the temperature individually in all 14 rooms. Can Tado adjust the zone controller so that we can, say, control 15 rooms instead of just 10? I suspect it's an setting somewhere, which should be adaptable, right?…
Meer dan 10 ruimtes aansluiten op de zoneregelaar
Ons huis heeft 14 ruimtes, 20 slimme radiatorknoppen en één slimme thermostaat. We willen in alle 14 ruimtes de temperatuur individueel kunnen instellen. Kan Tado de zoneregelaar zo aanpassen dat we, zeg, 15 ruimtes kunnen besturen in plaats van slechts 10? Ik vermoed dat het ergens een instelling is. Die toch moeten…