Outside temperature visible on room screens
As it says above.
Predefined Heating Schedules
Maybe like a gallery of predefined schedules by tado with the opportunity to download schedules from other users of the community. For example: Winter, „Summer“, HomeOffice days etc.
Service Mode for Boiler Maintenance, Draining and Power Flushing
Hello, It would be important to have a Service Mode setting, where: all radiator thermostat valves are fully open and in manual mode: can be individually set to fully open or fully closed boiler control is set to off and in fully manual mode: on or off any timers and automatic "return to schedule" are disabled This is…
Fix HomeKit support (round up of feature requests)
Hey tado, everyone seems to know better than you what your HomeKit support needs. Here I gather all the requests I have seen around: Allow temp/humidity sensors to be exposed independently. We bought these pricey TRVs. Why don't you let us use all their features? Expose battery levels in HomeKit. It is really stupid that…
Bypass feature
Hi all, I am a happy tado user since a few months and realized that we needed to install a by-pass in our cv system. Now I am wondering why tado does not offer the feature to mark one of your smart thermostats as the by-pass radiator. So this thermostat will never close fully, so that the pump of the CV (boiler) is…
Show current humidity in the main app screen
It would save a lot of clicks if we could see the current humidity in the main screen, close to the current room temperature. There is a lot of free space for this in each room square.
Colour change
Please can you change the colour of the button for care & protect from red to any other colour.. There is nothing more wallet clenching when looking on the app to see what is off & see the red of the care & protect button & start thinking.. Dam who turned the hot water on ;-) Thanks
Manual thermostat adjustment temperature limit
We run a B&B and every room is equipped with a smart thermostat so the guests can control the temperature in their room (normally the Smart Schedule controls the temperature). To my surprise numerous guests turn the temperature to the maximum of 25°C (I guess they just turn the control knob all the way without thinking)…
Increase number of heating devices per home
Hello, 25 heating devices are not enough for larger homes, such as mine. My home has 18 radiators controlled by three different thermostats. This means that if I want to use Tado radiator valves with Tado Wireless temperature sensors, 25 heating devices per home is not enough. Please increase the limit to 30 or 35 heating…
Smart Things integration
Are we any closer to a SmartThings integration?
show SSS heating indicator on the room tile
on the main page of the application, where you see all the room. I would like to see the three little SSS indicating which room is currently heating, that would help me tweak the parameters of the schedule without having to click on each room at each time to see which one triggered the start of the heating system.
Activity logs
Hi, Right now it's very difficult to know if Geofencing is working or not. It would be useful to have a log that remembers a few events like: switched to away mode, switched to home mode, temperature lowered in room x, etc. This way we would know if Geofencing works correctly... My app closes all the time and since there…