geofencing ability to learn when to re-start heating

I recently set up underfloor heating and am using 8 x Tado Wired Smart Thermostats. I often travel for business, so I've turned on the geofencing feature to cut down on heating costs when I'm not at home. My expectation was that Tado would detect when I'm heading home and start heating up my place so it's cozy by the time I get there.

But it's not working that way. It seems like Tado only starts heating when I get close to home, based on my chosen away setting (e.g., eco, balanced, comfort). The bigger issue is that it doesn't account for the time it takes for my underfloor heating to warm the house. If it's been off for a while, it can take ages to reach my desired temperature.

Does anyone know of additional settings or tweaks to sort this out?


  • Have you tried preheat before arrival?
  • pcone
    pcone ✭✭✭

    @johnnyp78:  eco, balanced, comfort etc are the preheat before arrival settings.

    @maurello: I think I've read that Tado customer services can change other settings relating to how quickly (or otherwise) your house heats up. You could also increase the minimum away temperature so that it's not as cold to start with

  • My mistake. I meant ‘early start’. You can access by pressing the cog on the top right on the room schedule page.
  • I already set the preheat level to comfort, but it's not nearly enough to heat up the home so that when I arrive it would be cozy warm at the set temperature. Same issue occurs with the "early start" functionality in smart scheduling, which I enabled. Underfloor heating circulates water at 25-30 C, not 60 C like radiators, so it takes much longer to even increase the temperature by 1 C

    I guess my main question is:

    Shall I leave the settings as they are and Tado will learn the time necessary to bring my home to the set temperature and adjust geofencing and early start to be able to do so? Does it learn? Or shall I do it manually increasing the lower temperature when away or before an early start?

  • Tado is a PID controller so it should learn over time what settings it needs to get your house up to temp.
  • That is also my assumption, that's why I bought this system. In your experience, how long does it take for Tado to learn?

  • I would say within a month of use, but I don’t have any experience of UFH so I may be way off
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