Support for multiple tado installations linked to 1 account

Please can we have proper support to enable management and control of multiple tado installations via the one account/email

I stay at several locations and manage others as a landlord. When email notifications arrive they do not indicated which home they are for. Logging in/out of multiple accounts is awkward when you want to control multiple installations.
27 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • I have a similar requirement to many of your customers.

    One phone, one account, want to be able to control home heating, office heating, and now Mother-in-law's home heating, in one place.

    I have just bought a second kit for the Mother-in-law's home. Do I keep it or use something else ?

  • I consider this absolutely essential. I have tado in mine and my daughter’s home. My daughter has disabilities and I need to remotely manager her heating too, it would be great to switch within my account rather than having to sign out/in each time… similar to how you can control multiple Ring device locations would be great
  • Fully agree! me and my girlfriend both use Tado in our homes, and now we need to log out/in each time we pendle between the houses.

  • I asked for this over four years ago. Really frustrating that it's not been delivered as so easy to arrange.
  • This would be easy to implement but they just don’t care about their customers. All you can do here is complain and beg them to do something about it. But the dev team doesn’t look at these pages.
  • Just sent them this email -
    Hey Guys
    I have a summer house where I desperately need smart controls of my heating, and as I find tado being the better of the products out there, I want to use that. But where are we at? I have as long as I have had the system been following the ‘multiple homes’ threads and it seems it is a quite a requested feature, so when will you be launching this???? I don’t see it being a matter of “if” you are launching it, as this function is directly linked to the convenience function your products and service provides, but I feel tempted to try out competitors as more and more manufactures are launching equal products to yours, and I may be starting to question wether you are actually the best option out there….?
    Please let me/us know, give us a straight answer - will we get the multiple homes function soon?!
    Best Nicklas
  • I just came here after looking as to why my heating system stopped working after adding a second wireless thermostat and receiver.

    My use is is different to that of the others on here (I'll elaborate further below) and I am rather stunned and very disappointed to find the root cause of my problems is this.

    For info, I have a single heating system with separate low and high temperature circuits from the same device. Steering this device is and was effectively done by two separate thermostats, each controlling one of the 'zones'.

    I'd bought 2 Tado wireless thermostats and while the first one worked flawlessly, I had to discover through my own online research that having both systems installed is a 'no go'. So I can't control my entire home with two wireless Tado thermostats. To say I'm disappointed is the understatement of the week.

    Please enable this soon. In the mean time, I'm looking into other (non-Tado) options.

  • Why don’t you use a Tado wired thermostat instead of a wireless receiver for the second circuit? Am I missing something?
  • There is currently no cabling that would allow that, and I'm reluctant to break open a home that I had just had renovated...

    Also, the principle is odd: why does it work if one system is wired, and why not if all are wireless?

  • If there’s no cabling that would allow it, how were you planning on doing it with two wireless receivers? I’m talking about using a wired thermostat in place of a wireless receiver, then linked to a wireless temperature sensor.
  • AlexMPH
    edited November 2022

    So, there were 2 wireless thermostats (bog standard Honeywell devices) that connected with 2 BDR91's. Each 'set' driving a separate circuit, independently. This worked for 6 years.

    I want to replace each of those so I can use separate Tado devices on each, keeping the wireless functionality.


    Circuit1: Smart Thermostat + Extension Kit (older starterkit)

    Circuit2: Wireless Temperature Sensor+ Wireless Receiver (brand spanking new starterkit) (+ 4x Smart Rad. Thermostat)

    My heating system acts as if it were 2 systems and takes 2 inputs from separate 'thermostats'.

    On your point: do you suggest getting a wired thermostat, and adding to that a wireless thermostat in the actual area I want to heat to bypass the issue? Apologies, that's not how I understood it the first time. Seems like a smart way to solve this!

  • You cannot have more than one wireless receiver/ extension kit on the same account. Replace one of them with a wired thermostat. That’s all you need to do to get it working.
  • It is crazy that you cannot 'manage' more than one system from the App on your phone! I have 4 Tado systems to control & it should be so easy to simply toggle between the different systems within a single phone App or account online. But instead I have had to register 4 separate accounts, each with a different email address, & I am having to constantly log in & log out of the various accounts in order to make changes. This is so unnecessarily primitive!

    Come on Tado - please sort this out! There will be users with far more systems to manage than I have I'm sure & your lack of development in this respect will be steering them in the direction of alternative systems!

  • Many years have passed and there is still no sign of any progress on adding multiple locations. I'd like to add a second Tado system to my office, but there is no facility to do so on the app. It makes no sense. We the customers are less likely to invest in the Tado ecosystem if it cannot grow with us.

  • The current lack of any means of supporting more than one system on the app is ludicrous. I am constantly (every day) having to log in & log out of different accounts to either change settings or deal with problems (& they do crop up!). It is a most laborious task which should be totally unnecessary when a simple flick of a screen on the app should be sufficient to log you on to another system. I have spent thousands on Tado equipment & will not be adding any more as this is far too cumbersome. Come on Tado - sort this out!!

  • Let's be fair to them, it has now been so long they clearly don't care.

    We should move on... Come on Tado, none of us want too, please keep us

  • still waiting on this feature... a response from tado would be nice

  • Come on Tado, this is ludicrous that your customers cannot access more than a single system on the app! There must be thousands of people who run multiple Tado systems who cannot control them without having to log in to each system individually, potentially multiple times each day! This should be a simple thing to implement - please give it some input!

  • Tado this should now be a priority for you as you are losing out to other systems on the market.

  • I agree - Tado should have had this feature active months or years ago! It should be very straightforward to manage multiple Tado systems from the same App. I have got so sick of having to log in & out of the app using a different email address for each system that I have stopped installing Tado. The Vaillant app allows multiple systems to be managed very easily.

    My latest purchase was 20 smart TRV's a 9 room stats which would have gone to Tado had they got their act together. Instead it was a Vaillant purchase. How many other potential customers like myself are going elsewhere?? Believe me - this will be costing you Tado!

w.Intercom = i;