Add current Boiler Flow rate to graphs if using Digital Link

andyblac ✭✭✭

As Tado˚ knows the flow rate temperature of boiler at any given time, can this information be added to the graphs, as you hold your finger on the graph, see example below

This would help us to determine if we can adjust the MAX Flow rate to be more efficient or if the Flow Rate is not high enough and the boiler is struggling to heat the room adequately.

22 votes

Active · Last Updated


  • johnnyp78
    I don’t see that on mine, which is connected via Opentherm. Maybe it’s just being rolled out?
  • andyblac

    @johnnyp78 I am asking for this to be added, I made that screenshot above as an example.

  • johnnyp78
    Ah, now I understand.
  • andyblac

    please add your vote, if you think it would be useful.

  • Valaki1234

    Until it is not implemented in the app, it would be great to publish the API for fetching the value.

    Also the "currently requested flow temperature" value.

  • spinnekop
    Or show the current flow temp in care and protect.
  • Can you do this? I think this would be a great addition. I have a radiator that gets very warm when I put on the one in the conservatory. It would be nice if you could use the app to balance them. Admittedly I would never of known if it wasn’t for the tado app in the first place. Having the temperature and humidity room by room your working it out by numbers as the system is working. It’s not humidity making it feel warmer or cooler. But I totally agree if it could do flow rates you could make the hole system work better. Although the problem I was having might be due to the install and it being the last extension being added to the system. lol I’m not very technical but the app has helped me mostly solve the problem without having a engineer to help. Although I’m sure it could be done better. And more information can only help:)