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Vsmart zero tado 10

Well what can I say.
I have had a Vaillant boiler for the last 15 years and about 4 years ago it failed and as there were so many issues with the inbuilt water storage I decided as it has done quite well to buy an 800 series ecotek.

As part of this process I decided to embrace modulating heating and purchased the vaillant vsmart system.

The vsmart system which is really a netamo unit and the wireless gateway have been a constant issue.
Connection issues and yea I am knowledgable, server issues, app issues, and battery issues, going flat often.
They try to make kit it's a connection issue move it closer, then its a UDP port issue and it goes on.

The bottom line is every time it failed the heating turns on as the boiler is set to default to call for heat when the unit is off.

So after my second vsmart unit failed I looked for alternatives.

All the doom mongers warned everyone not to touch it's dangerous and in general I agree but anyone with a brain and the ability to decide if they are competent can set up a tado.
Openthirm seemed an option but frankly it was a messy setup.
The vaillant supports ebus and for those wondering it allows modulation of the burner e.g it's not needing to be on full if a little gas is only required.

So after much research and weeding out the negative and stupid posts and thanks to those of you who knew what they are talking about as we are few realised I could use the tado unit and save some.monwy over openrhirm mods or the need to buy another rubbish vsmart unit.

What can I say, follow the install instructions, I chose the tado wired unit and access poimt, set it up for ebia and plug the + - supply into the unit in the correct slots.

Wow it works like a dream so far and makes the vaillant unit look like it's from.the dark ages.

So if your wondering of it works well with my 800 series the answer is a big yes.

Oh and don't worry when you get to the point in the app installer when it says contact your boiler supplier.

Simply follow the set up in.the tado installer pdf or book from page 19.

I hope this helps someone and I'm now going to add the tado rad units.


  • Agree the vSmart isn't smart.

    I am looking for a replacement wireless thermostat which will allow Tado SRT's to turn the Ecotec on when required. What is the model number of your thermostat? Does your solution allow this?

  • Totally agree!

    I’ve experienced the same frustrations with my vSmart gateway and am also considering a similar path. I managed to snag a refurbished wireless Tado (practically new) for a bargain and am planning to replace the vSmart system with it.

    Here’s my question: Tado’s documentation claims it supports eBus communication, but does it really? Specifically, does it reproduce all the advanced modulation features that vSmart offers?