Configuration with UFH Giacomini
Hi, i need help to install TADO thermostats, i have water UFH from Giacomini in a new house, and i buy five TADO Thermostats.
So the Giacomini has two different eletrovalves 230V R473 and R473M. So I have five R473M eletrovalves one to each principal zone that i want to controll with TADO thermostat, also i have several other R473 eletrovalves for water circuits related to a principal zone. So in this way when R473M open the princial zone, also has to open one or two more related R473 eletrovalves. I have Live and Neutral close to the eletrovalves circuits, but not in the position where i want to put the thermostats. Also I have a diagram of connections to the thermostats of Giacomini that i attached.
Can someone, please help me, how to connect the TADO to R473M, and R473M to the other related R473 eletrovalves ?