w.Intercom = i;img.ProfilePhoto.ProfilePhotoMedium { padding: 10px; }Tado not suitable for large or old houses — tado° Community

Tado not suitable for large or old houses

The lack of a range extender makes the tado system totally unsuitable for large or old houses. Wish I’d known this before I invested. What would the community have used had they known this before?


  • @hjenkins Drayton Wiser offers similar functionality to Tado and has the option of a range extender.

  • Pete
    Pete ✭✭✭

    @hjenkins I have a large, old sprawling house and have some signal issues too. Found it best to position the bridge in the loft below a large flat metal board.

    I rejected Drayton Wiser originally because it didn't seem to be as good as Tado. Just googled it now to find endless people complaining that Wiser doesn't work. Grass may not always be greener, its still a relatively immature market/product.

    I was planning on soldering on a piece of copper wire to the bridge to see if I can iron out the last comms problems (we are building an extension so worried it will get worse).

  • what_a_tado
    what_a_tado ✭✭✭
    edited February 2021

    @Pete The majority of the reviews I have seen on Drayton Wiser have been positive. I must be googling a different part of the internet.

  • Pete
    Pete ✭✭✭
    I read the link below, a lot of people saying it doesn't work. Also accusing the positive reviews of being fake.
    I have used a lot of "smart" heating systems (but not Wiser). They all come with their limitations. I just think sometimes reading this forum you'd be forgiven for thinking everything must be better than tado.
    For me, if Tado issued a signal fix (or allowed two bridges in one house) it would be near perfect.
    I also think promoting competitors products on Tado's own forum is a bit below the belt.
  • @Pete Personally I don't take much notice of Trust Pilot reviews and I'm certainly not promoting a competitor's product as I am a long term and very contented Tado customer, however even Tado recognises that its own hardware has its limitations.

    My initial response was in answer to, and for the benefit of, the OP. Please feel free to ignore it.

  • Thank you all for your comments. I tend to agree with the overall sentiments, I like Tado too but the poor signal issues are a real problem for me. Would love to see the inclusion of a repeater of some kind to boost the signal.
  • I do fail to understand why Tado cannot just let us use multiple bridges and have the system combine the two into a mesh (so the user doesn't have to do any syncing etc).

    I don't even have a big house (just a standard design 90's 4 bedroom) and I find the bridge has to be in the middle of the house to work best, yet the router is on the outer wall like most peoples probably are if you have Virgin Media. I will fix this eventually as I do have network cables installed, but I do think this issue could relatively easily be fixed using their existing kit if they had the will.

  • Wow. So I managed to find a hack for the signal issue that works. I saw in a other forum that applying tin foil round the back of the TRV has fixed my problem. For the first time ever my daughters bedroom is now controlled by our heating schedule.
  • I'm starting my assessment of these systems and I too have a large (ish) and old house so a bit concerned that Tado will not work in all rooms. Does it run off its own network, or does it/can it use the existing WiFi in the house? TIA

  • Have large 5 bedroom house as well. Concerned about coverage. Tried Hive but returned as poor.

    Disappointing I dont see any Tado folks respond to any comments or suggestions

  • Rob2
    Rob2 ✭✭✭

    The bridge needs an available ethernet port on the internet router. WiFi is not supported, except for the Airco model.

  • Andreplusplus
    Andreplusplus Volunteer Moderator

    It’s the law of physics