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The Big Idea Archive



  • Hi

    I love my Tado's, but as an AIrBnb host, they can give problems.

    Guests turn the whole Tado and not only the top. Then the Tado is lose and can not control the heat.

    I have even marked the top with black tape, and written on the top " Turn top only", but still have problems.

    I have made a hardware hack that works for me, see link to pictures:


    It would be nice if Tado would implement this in future products.

    It is just a 3mm hole with a thread, and a small hole in the base.

    Then it is up to the user to secure the Tado, to prevent it gets loose by accident.

    All the best


  • What about a ventilation control by Tado, it would be a great feature to control the ventilation system of the room by Tado. A Smart schedule would save a lot of energy and the control could be combined with the air quality feature.

  • Several rooms in my house have multiple smart radiator thermostats. In the tado app this works great, you can just change the room temp and all radiators react simultaneously. In Homekit this does not work. You have to set each radiator seperately. I want to be able to group them into one control for the room.

    This would work just like with Philips Hue: There you can group multiple lightbulbs into one fixture so you can control the fixture rather than the individual bulbs. In Homekit I want to set the room temp, not the individual radiator thermostats.

  • Why this limit of 59 min in open window detection?

    I Have the backdoor for my house in the bedroom. This means this backdoor os often open for quite a long time. I close the door to the rest of the house, but I also always have to remember to switch heating off in the bedroom. SO I could really need more time allowed in the this setup. You anyway already have the setup in the app, but it's just not allowed (which is kind of weird).

  • Alowe lower temperature setting when using heating in thermostatic mode

    when using AC control to avoid frost in summer cottage should a much lower temperaure setting be possible. E.g. as low as perhaps 8C

  • Hi again, what do you think to add setpoint temperature data curve into the report? It will by all in one....having setpoint curve and the room temp, as a response. It will be clear for giving you the overview of the day, how did it behave.
  • In a simple way... The grey shades coding in the report indicates the level of power for heating in case for power modulated boilers. But I am using only ON/OFF call for a heating up. (My boiler use their own equitherm regulation for setting up the temperature level of the water for heating up, based on ext temp) And I would like to see how often my gas boiler switches. I see that e.g. for some times it is running so often for a very short period of the time, 10 folds seconds. And it is not so healthy for a gas boiler much. So if it is possible for you to have the switch for those who use on/off system let them be able to switch the view from colored coding to on/off coding in the report.
  • Text in the iPhone app is very small can hardly see it with my reading glasses. Larger size please.

    Thank you.

  • When using the AC Control to avoid frost in a summer cottage should a much lower temperaure setting be possible.

    As low as at least +8C. Now is +15C the lowest.

  • Hi,
    I have a Daikin central heating system connected with the opentherm standard to my tado thermostat. When the boiler is connected using the opentherm standard there is no way to control the maximum radiator temperature within the app or from the Bolier. The problem is that, in a condensation system radiator temperature should not be over 55 degrees in order for the system to work economically, but there are situations when the temperature should be raised above this value if the winter is very cold. At this moment, tado helped me set the maximum temperature to the 55 degrees value, but is no way I can change it manually, so it would be very useful to have a setting for this value from within the app. Thank you, and I really hope this feature will be implemented in the near future.
  • Learning for each room so that the temperature doesn’t overshoot and stays more constant.
  • To further enhance the efficiencies of the app/product, it would be useful to have the ability to link the smart scheduling to the alarm clock on iOS/Android.
    The house would reach the correct temperature ready for the alarm rather than warming unnecessarily.
  • Can we have a notification when the app is calling heat and nothing is happening, indicating the boiler isn't working. Would have saved me a few hours of coldness today. Thanks

  • Right now, you pick a comfortable air temperature and measure air comfort against this. For me, the chosen temperature is too hot, I prefer it colder. Could I select my own comfortable temperature and have it measured against that?

  • I don't use and it and likely won't use it. Can't see a reason why it should clutter up my home page. Happy to have an option, but maybe just in "more"

  • In setting, if you lick "stats and analytics", it just takes you to a page asking you to go and check them somewhere else. Why not actually link to the stats or show them? Are you just trying to create menu items?

  • Love that idea, would be great.

  • I would like to be able to manually set my house to "home" mode even when I'm not home. This has two purposes. 1) heating the house before my arrival. I have underfloor heating which takes several hours if we have been away for a few days 2) When we have a babysitter or similar. I don't want to have to manually set each room to keep the house warm whilst we are out.

  • This also has the added advantage of allowing a mechanism to force the heating on for short term guests who may be at home alone but who don’t want or need guest access to the Tado App. Think visiting family members.
  • Just noticed this applies to nearly every "skill" in the app. Oh, and I didn't lick it BTW, I clicked it.

  • I agree. The temperature is too high for me
  • omg, that's a great idea,

    2 of my tops got unscrewed last winter, and i will do it tomorrow on all of my thermostats.

    thanks mate

  • Support suggested I put this here, so here we go. I am going to buy hybrid radiators that can both heat and cool a space when using a heat pump. The specific product is Jaga Strada Hybrid. They have 'regular' thermostats, but I would like to use a smart one. Unfortunatly your Smart Radiator Thermostat can only deal with heating and not cooling. Hopefully this is only a software issue.

  • Hi,

    I'm facing issues with the umidity sensor, it indicates an higher value versus the real one...(measured with other devices). It should be implemented in the App the feature to set the umidity sensor offset (as is done for the temperature sensor).

  • My savings calculation is very low for August, it turns out this is because the heating hardly needed to come on :) could you add a 'hours heating the house' to the savings report to give the savings score context otherwise it looks like no savings have occurred, when actually the heat has hardly been on so it’s saved lots of money
  • Is it possible to add some controls for Tado and IFTTT and alert with Telegram or Email?

    I'm thinking something for "remote connection lost" or "entered manual mode".


  • Hi - over next couple of years I’m going to be replacing my gas/water heating with electric. I like the tado app, so it would be great if you provide a hardware device to thermostatically control electric radiators so I can have both types of heating running in parallel.
  • I have no use for the V3+ upgrade, and I find it distasteful that something that I paid for puts advertising in my face.

    Tado°, please give us an option to turn off the V3+ upgrade prompt (on the web, in the app, everywhere).

    Whenever you release a next upgraded version, that has something new that we might want to consider again, you can put the prompt back (with another "go away and don't bother me again until there's something newer available" button).


  • When away from home it’s great the heating automatically ‘goes off’ but what would be really useful is that the schedule for the hot water could remain in place. The scenario is we go out for the day but need hot water water when we get home late in the evening. At the moment the only way to ensure that is to set the away mode for hot water as ‘on’ which to me is keeping water hot unnecessarily, especially during holidays.
  • I also have electric rads where it is not possible to have normal rads. Having the ability to control these via Tado would be a great addition.

This discussion has been closed.