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The Big Idea Archive



  • In the App have the ability to change the scale of the y axis and lock the changes, or at least always keep the scaling the same. It is difficult to compare day to day when the scaling is changed.

  • Thanks for the replies. I have since seen those options but still nothing about ignoring ambient temperature.

    So I'd like to see an 'Always on' mode that ignores ambient temperature along with open window detection and location based control without having to set those 2 options independently.

  • Geofencing works really nicely, on the whole.

    If all occupants are away from the home for extended periods of time - eg. on holiday - then our house drops down to quite a low temperature. That's fine whilst we're away, but when we return, Tado doesn't get enough notice and so the house is still very cold.

    We try to short cut this by manually setting all the temperatures in all the different rooms to something sensible, which overrides the Geofencing, however, it's difficult to time this correctly. Sometimes we return and the house has got too hot or isn't back up to temperature yet.

    It would be great to have a single button to set a "return time" from holiday. The system would know how long it will take to return the house to the schedule and start the system at the right time. For example, a leaky house might require 4 hours to start getting warm. An efficient house might require only 2.5. Tado thermostats could then return to schedule seamlessly so that on return from your extended period away, it was like you've never left.

  • @ldoodle

    Another option but likely also unsuitable as I get the impression you already have one plumbed in, would be to get an electric heated towel rail and control it with a timer.

    You are quite right that if a (plumbed) heated towel rail is on the radiator circuit it will not come on in summer. However ambient heat in the summer would be enough to dry the towel in a reasonably time even if it does not result in a nice toasty warm feeling.

    I think the other suggestions people have made of turning off open window detection and location control for this radiator are the best we are going to get and I in fact will consider using these myself. You could set the target temperature higher for this individual radiator as well and that would help ensure it comes on.

  • First of all, sorry for my english.
    A solution could be use IFTTT app (it's free). Create an applet to set the temperature of the bathroom to 25° (max) if the humidity of that room rises above 60-65° for example. you should check the "normal" humidity level and the level when you take a shower to calibrate it...
    Try it ;)
  • I now set the temperature for separate rooms. What happens is - understandably - that the heating switches on as soon as the temperature drops below the set one. However, that means that the whole house is being heated, because the heating system obviously pumps water through the whole house.

    It would be great - and more environment friendly - if there were an option like "only switch on while main heating is on".

    The main heating will be on a lot in winter anyway, and for me it's often very acceptable if the separate rooms utilize the moment the main heating is on.
  • samd
    samd ✭✭✭

    Can you tell us what Tado devices you have installed please? It sounds as though you do not have a full flow and return or you are not using Tado radiator thermostats.

  • P33dubs
    P33dubs ✭✭
    edited December 2019
    I have v3+ with hot water expansion, the radiator strv’s fire the boiler separately therefore boiler seems to be on longer than traditional thermostat methods. If the system recognised radiant heat and learnt how long each room takes to typically heat, it could shorten firing times by learning most effective group firing patterns. This could also be good for choosing the most efficient time to heat the hot water (in combination with heating rooms) based on target time for water.
  • Bren
    edited December 2019

    Its great, tado tell you to add ideas to this page and give you a link to do so, then you realise after adding your idea that people have been asking for the same thing for months with loads of votes and it still hasn't been taken up by tado. So you try to delete your idea so you can add to theirs and remove yours, nope can't do that either.

    Really starting to wonder why I changed from Hive to tado, it seems nearly as bad.

  • Ability to include several bridges to one home account providing ability to extend strv over further range.
  • D4NI3L3
    edited December 2019

    Hi, I have an underfloor heating system and I'm having the same problem, I'm using the extension kit to manage my boiler heating temperature with opentherm but I'm very disappointed to see that it sets the range from 0 to max temperature (85 °C) and there is no otpion to set max temperature manually.

    I have exactly the system configuration number 2 in this article https://support.tado.com/en/articles/3482224-how-does-tado-control-underfloor-heating-systems

    They talk about underfloor systems and they don't give to us max temperature control. I can't understand how such a simple option can be missing when you are able to set max temperature for hot water.

    Anyway, how did you set the temperature with the help of tado? Every time I have change do I have to ask TADO help?

    I want to be able to change the temperature of my boiler to my pleasure and this should be a maximum priority feature.

    For now I had do disconnect the extension kit from my boiler to gain control of the heating temperature again.

  • Could you please make the data available for all thermostats and sensors in, a room with multiple radiators. You don't to change the concept of only one measurement device (just now, but please do), but we really want all the data for the room.

    At least make it available though the API, which you btw. also need to be releasing officially.


  • Same here. I have a heat pump that can switch to cooling. Would be so nice if Tado could deal with it.

  • I actually understand the poster’s request and would appreciate this feature. I have one large open area with a smart thermostat (no smart trv as there are 4 separate radiators in this area), and two smaller rooms each with a smart trv. The open area is the warmest part of the house and should be heated to target temperature always, while the other rooms have lower priority.

    What I would like to be able to do is:
    1) set main room temperature to 20 - boiler should fire as needed to maintain temperature

    2) set small room target to 20, and minimum temperature to 18 - boiler should fire to prevent going below minimum temperature, but smart valve should be kept open until target temperature is reached, in order to “piggy back” on heat called by the main room

    The main problem is that the main room can get too hot. For example, If I set all rooms to 20, the main room will get heated to 20+ when the small room gets colder faster and fires the boiler. If in order to prevent this I set the smaller room to e.g. 18, the smart TRV may not open even if the main room is being heated, and I will have a colder room than what I would like (which is 20).

    I suppose i could get 4 additional smart TRVs for the large room, but besides the acquisition cost this would also be non-economical from heating cost perspective. We do not have an individual boiler, it is shared for the whole apartment building, and we get billed according to the amount of time our apartment calls for heat. But even if it was an independent boiler, it is still more efficient to heat multiple rooms at the same time than to fire the boiler multiple times to satisfy heating needs of individual rooms.
  • I am also curious about this. @AdyR says that Smart Radiator Thermostats can demand heat via the extension kit, while @ChrisJ says a Smart Thermostat is needed for the Radiator stats to talk to the extension kit. Unless I’m missing something, it’s not possible for both of these statements to be true.

    OK, so @AdyR has a Smart Thermostat installed for hot water, so it might be that, unknown to him/her, the Smart Thermostat is also allowing the radiators to talk to the boiler...

    BUT, I’m not convinced. Ever since I installed the system I wondered if the Smart Thermostat was actually necessary and I questioned Tado° about this and they insisted it was necessary, but the doubt has lingered for the last 2 years, while the Smart Thermostat has sat on a shelf doing absolutely nothing... unless it really is talking to the boiler? But if that is the case, as Tado° advised me, I have to wonder why things are operating just perfectly now that the batteries on the Smart Thermostat have finally run down?!
  • i am facing same issue, on app it suggest i should login online to register the extension kit. But then online i can't find any option to register this. I have 15 Smart thermostat installed but then not sure how they will communicate with the boiler if i don't have any extension kit?

  • This doesn’t sound quite like the issue I’m describing... but anyway, when you say you have 15 Smart Thermostats installed, I presume you mean “Smart Radiator Thermostats”? Do you also have a “Smart Thermostat” (square white box)? If so, is it connected to the boiler or not? I believe you have to have something connected to the boiler, so if it isn’t the Smart Thermostat then you need an extension kit.
  • the thermostatic radiator valves are quite noisy, particularly for use in the bedroom. Is there a way to slow down their motor so that they make less noise?

  • Bump Up. .
  • The ability to geofence rooms per user. For example to be able to have one room turn off heating when one particular member of the family is no longer home. Would work very well for families that have room only used be specific family members, bedrooms, offices etc
  • We bought 3 pieces of the AC control V3+, for every room.

    Only we made it that the AC control was as part of the fixed electricity installation, with a box with in that a small USB power supply from Legrand.

    Now we wanted the AC Control would cover this hole but only 2 little strips adhesives are included... we cant put it like on a small base plate and fix it, we had to make our own.

    The device is like made only for houses/apartments afterwards and to connect to an USB and stick it to the wall. Not for fixed installations. Maybe it's an idea to have an optional base plate for fixed installations to make it nice.

  • Hello Marco, have you got on your boiler interface? In manual it is descrive6as interface which is needed before implementation of regulator (Siemens qaa73).
  • Have a look at 'home assistant'. There's a tado plugin that makes ome info available and i think the temperature could be used to trigger a smart switch like a Sonoff, wired inline to the fan. In fact I think Sonoff has it's own app that might play with IFFT to make that work
  • Please update your internal system. When I have temperature set for example on 18°C and try on Google Home set for example to 27°C set internaly to 25°C. Currenty system fail and do nothing (leave 18°C).

    It's incomfortable, when I set 26°C by mistake and after 2 hours is still 18°C :( not 25°C.

  • At this moment, geo location uses mobile network to communicate to Tado.

    Only people who have mobile network (4G) on their phone are set to away when leaving the house.

    The phone sends the 'I am away" information to the Tado platform.

    Please add this geo check in the other direction. Make the tado platform for example ping the mobile phones and combine this with the already existing functionality.

    This solves the issues for people that have no mobile network in their subscription or people who turn their 4G off.

    If the Tado platform cannot ping the mobile phone, it means the person's mobile phone is not connected anymore to the Wi-Fi network and the person is not at home anymore. The heating can be turned off and a lot of energy is saved.

  • samd
    samd ✭✭✭

    @WouterF Hello - there is a very active thread on this with over 190 supporters. Add your voice there - it's on the first page.

  • @samd Which thread do you mean? Can you mention the link?

    I see a thread for manual turning on/off. What I mean is improving the automatic mode.

  • samd
    samd ✭✭✭

    Hi - my apologies I had not read your post thoroughly enough.

  • @samd No problem, please vote for my idea if you want 😀

This discussion has been closed.