How to use Tado in summer when temperatures will rise above 25 °C

Hi, I have Tado connected to my heating and to water boiler. Tado warms the water when temperature is below set threshold. How to do it in the summer when indoor temperature will rise above 25° C which is the maximum possible temperature that can be set on Tado.
So based on how that currently works, I can set 25 °C max. But what if indoor temperature will rise to eg. 30 °C. Than Tado won't warm the water will it?
Best Answer
The Heating is separate to the Hot Water control and the temperature you can set only refers to your heating.
With Tado the hot water control is just an ”On/Off” timer and if set correctly and if it is using the same boiler used to provide heat then it utilises that hot water in the circuit and diverts some of it to your water storage cylinder which in turn heats your water. A thermostat on your hot water cylinder will stop the demand for the diverted hot water from your heating when the stored water reaches the cylinders set temperature (you can set this at the cylinder).
In summer you have two options; first you can heat it using the boiler and Tado timing for hot water as probably already set? Just set the schedule in the Tado app so the heating does not come on when you don’t need it (during the 30 degree days). The boiler will still send hot water to your water storage cylinder to heat the water stored there.
Second option (if you have this, most do) you should be able to heat your water cylinder via electric (this is the electric immersion heating option) or maybe even you have Solar?
Hooe this helps.