Hive Integration via IFTTT Triggers ?
I currently have Hive Active Heating and Tado TRV's on all radiators - this includes a Tado TRV in the room with the Hive Thermostat.
I want to be able to turn the boiler on, via the Hive Thermostat, if any of the TRV's call for heat and the boiler is OFF - which will be the case if the Hive Thermostat is at target temperature.
I can see basic IFTTT Tado triggers for Home, Away, Zone Rises Above Temp, Zone Falls Below Temp. What I can't seem to do is configure the triggers to behave in the way I have described. I can force the boiler on all the time, I can force the boiler on based on temperature thresholds I can preset.
Neither of these things is flexible enough so that if I change a TRV target temperature that the IFTTT trigger will adapt.
Are there any plans to create a trigger which uses the TRV target temperature as the trigger point or a global trigger at the bridge to say one or more TRV have called for heat or they have all stopped calling for heat ? These triggers must exist in the communications to the Tado Smart Thermostat to activate it.
Hi @McMarty
I think it would be better if you opened a new suggestion about new IFTTT triggers / actions in general, as there will probably be several other triggers / actions that the community would like to see introduced, some of which would cover your scenario.
Best regards,