
Hi, I do not understand why the support of the Czech language in the application was suddenly terminated. It was, incidentally, one of the reasons I chose this brand. if it was a new language, I would understand, but due to the minimal changes in the application, I do not understand why the Czech language support was discontinued. From my point of view, the comfort for the user is reduced.
Do you have a solution? Does anyone mind? Thank you very much in advance for tips or support.
Do you have a solution? Does anyone mind? Thank you very much in advance for tips or support.
Hello, i am also dissapointed, that the Czech language is not supported anymore. This is definitely not a good way of presentation Tado..
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I will be very pleased if more of us meet here. I have been assured that the developers are really listening to community suggestions. So I hope that it will not be a problem for them to return the original comfort to our users in the Czech Republic.0
New update every week. Can't add Czech language?
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Bohužel myslím, že češtinu už zpět nedostaneme. ČEZ je sice spoluvlastníkem, ale podporu pro tak minoritní jazyk nezajistí. 😞0
Hi czech community... does anybody know how to use at least English in the App?0
I don't understand the question, you just set English as the language.