Unanswered Complaint

I have no idea what is going on at Tado, but over the last year or so i have witnessed the continual degradation of customer service to what is now a level that is absolutely unacceptable.
In the last few months i have been trying to work through moving from a rental to purchase agreement, and the time lag on getting responses from Tado (which is only via support portal) is simply unacceptable.
Everything could have been resolved via the telephone, in probably ~15mins, but no.. there is no way to actually telephone anyone at Tado, and no one will telephone you back.
Countless voicemail messages have been left ignored on your answer service, and i then went so far as to raise an official complaint which also went totally unanswered.
I am at my wits end, you have lost me as a customer, yet i am 'stuck' with the only way out to give you more money to buy out the contract... honestly it's a complete farce, and you are an embarrassment to yourselves.
Tado, can someone from your Customer Support team please contact me to discuss this situation??
Any administrative request needs to be handled in a writen form. Please contact our support about it.
As you comment you are already contact with the right department, please update them with your further questions and they will be answering you.
Best regards,
Your tadoº team