App main screen question

On the main screen of the v3 app, there ate 2 temperatures displayed: One in a large font, to the left of the humidity reading, and one superimposed on the manual control button along with a thermometer icon. The system is not in manual override, and is currently in Away mode.
Please can someone categorically explain the meaning of each of these values? I'm assuming that one (the large one?) is the current ambient temperature of the room, but I cannot figure what the other means.
Thanks for any help.
Please can someone categorically explain the meaning of each of these values? I'm assuming that one (the large one?) is the current ambient temperature of the room, but I cannot figure what the other means.
Thanks for any help.
Best Answer
@Fishyweb, you are correct the larger type value is the current room temp and the smaller one is the target temp set point either from manually setting it or from the smart schedule.5
Thanks, that makes sense. The target temperature had been displaying some odd numbers, which is why I was unsure about it, but then tried the beta version and it displays the target temperature correctly. Just gone back to non-beta and it is displaying the wrong value again, so seems like a bug that is fixed in the next version.0