Energy Savings

Just (marginally!) interested in people's energy saving. Mine since I started last autumn are:
Oct - 1.9%
Nov - 3.6%
Dec - 0.5%
Jan - 0.3%
Feb - 0.1%
Hardly worth crowing about? Are yours any better?
Best Answers
Feb 20 16.4%
Jan 20 18.4%
Dec 19 26.2%
Nov 19 22.8%
Oct 19 10.9%
You get the idea👍 No idea what this actually means. Is this in comparison to a normal system?6 -
Had Tado 2 months. So far...
Jan 2020 0.2%
Feb 2020 3.4%
I'm also clueless regarding comparisons but the predicted savings are pretty disappointing. I think the most money I'll save is cancelling the geofencing subscription!!
6 -
Hi there,
Off the actual ap. help text it means or equates to "Compared to if you had a traditional thermostat and heating schedule".
For me too, ive only had this a couple of months, first in January it didn't even log, then Feb 0.5%.
Since then in this months (I live in a high efficiency new build), I have set a complete Mon-Sun program now of heating, namely downstairs, it comes on at 8am till 9am at 18 degrees then off for 2 hours (Sun heat in the front of the house keeps it warmer than this after 9 am on 90%+ of days, my upstairs one runs 8.30-9.30 18 degrees for towel warmers and a boost upstairs, then set to 10 degrees (basically off) till the next morning). I don't have Tado radiator controls just standard rad thermostats, i'd rather not heat total areas of the house I don't use at specific times.
Then, downstairs, from 11am, it ramps up in 0.1 degree, and one hour increments to 19 degrees at 8pm to 10, then a totally off setting at 10 degrees to 8 am (frost etc protection), rinse repeat .... This setting is perfect, as when the house cools after the sun heat catchment throughout the day, it catches the perfect point as sun capture fades and as the heating settings catch the drop in sun heat capture, and of course, catches the maximum efficiency for how you'd like the temperature in the home too, I have auto geofence and such registered.
I have tried heating to various levels, ie 20 or even 21, but seems a) very hot in my house, or b) to me wasteful. 19 seems to me perfect through Jan and Feb, if it needs a tweek up at all (I haven't) I can do that simply too.
Very interested to see what the next few months outputs in savings are, have fun, Lee