Setting all devices to be OFF
I have 1 x Internet Bridge, 1 x Extension Kit, 1 x wireless Room Thermostat and 8 x Smart TRV's, Samsung S8 phone on Android 9.
Is it possible to turn off all devices in one operation, or set them all to Away mode in one operation ?
Also, when I click the Smart schedule button (on any device) and click on Away Tab, nothing seems to change. The device still seems to be in Home mode
Best Answers
@AquaSulisExile Hello. Have a quick rummage at recent threads and you will see that a manual Home/Away switch is in beta and soon to be released. Just happened this week.
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I meant to reply earlier, but got distracted, thanks for very quick reply. I'm new to Tada so still learning. David0
@AquaSulisExile The beta home/away switch is now available and working well - Go to 'More' on the app to download the beta.