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Multiple radiators in a single room

Planning on buying the tado smart radiator thermostats to create several heating zones across my house.

However some rooms have two, three or even four radiators in them. Do I need a smart radiator thermostat for every radiator in each room or is it possible to have 1 thermostat in a room control all the radiators in that room?

Hoping not to have to buy a dozen smart thermostats as that would be way too expensive.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer


  • jelockwood
    jelockwood ✭✭✭
    edited January 2020


    If all the radiators in the home are on the same ring and plumbed so that an individual radiator with a TRV can turn itself off without affecting the others radiators - what I believe to be the 'normal' setup then the following should apply.

    1. Define rooms in Tado
    2. Add Tado Smart TRVs to the respective rooms, in your case this will result in multiple Tado Smart TRVs in an individual room
    3. Using the Tado software you can nominate one of the Tado Smart TRVs as being the master temperature sensor for the entire room so all the radiators in that room are in effect linked

    However a lot of people find the Tado Smart TRVs temperature sensor to be inaccurate due to being so close to the radiator itself. Therefore you can instead buy an additional Tado Smart Thermostat and use one of those in a room as the rooms master temperature sensor. You could also buy an additional Tado Smart TRV and leave it on a shelf not connected to a radiator and again make it the master as this is cheaper than the Tado Smart Thermostat.

  • How do you make a second TRV the master for temp? I cant see how to do this in the iOS app?

  • Not to worry. I see you do this via the web app.

  • ste_c
    edited December 2021
    EDIT: Sorry. Responses weren’t showing. I can now see them. Please disregard this question.

    Did you ever work this one out? I have 6 TRVs but want to know if I need to put two in one room.
  • Hi, do you know if this is still possible to do? I can't see anything within the website.

  • Cancel that, figured it out

  • So you can do all that fancy stuff... or you could just keep dumb Trvs on two of your radiators to cap the temperature and put a smart one on the radiator in the coldest spot.

    When that calls for heat, the other radiators will warm up if its cold there too and not if it isn't.

    And you won't need to buy more smart Trvs only to slave two to another.
  • Hi to all!…I’m planning to install aTado system in my house, including smart radiators thermostats, and I have arrived to a specific situation where I’m confused. In case of a two separate room(kitchen and living room separate by a door), each one having its own SRT set on different temperature levels, but controlled by the same wireless temperature sensor mounted in one of those 2 rooms(the living room),and if the temperature set on the kitchen one is lower than in living room where is installed that wireless temp sensor,and it was reached before the other one, will that radiator be shut down in the kitchen while in the main time the boiler would be fired by the demand from the other one radiator from living room? I’m asking that mainly if it would necessarily be mounted in both rooms SRTs…Hopefully I’m not confusing you with situation, and thank you in advance for yor answers!
  • If both rooms had the same wireless temp sensor as the measuring device they would have to be counted as one room on the app. If you wanted to make two rooms you would need two measuring devices, probably turn wireless sensor in one room and a Tado trv in the other. There would be no conflict.