Safety Precaution

Is there any way to disable the alteration of temperature on the radiator valve to prevent a child from altering the temperature. I.e. disable manual control and only allow from phone or wall operated thermostat?
Is there any way to disable the alteration of temperature on the radiator valve to prevent a child from altering the temperature. I.e. disable manual control and only allow from phone or wall operated thermostat?
Someone asked in another thread and only suggestion was sellotape at the rear of TRV
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Unless Tado can do it. I've learned over the years that there are plenty configuration settings available to them not surfaced to customers. Couldn't say if that is one though.
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In settings for the zone, set the action to timer with a value of 00:01.
Of course child-lock was a feature that they had on their roadmap years ago but didn't bother implementing...
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Good tip.
Must admit, I have bought 5 wall thermostats and 5 radiator thermostats along with the extension kit to control underfloor heating downstairs and radiators upstairs with hot water tank and whilst things seem to work fairly well I do see that Tado is a dieing system already, with lack of innovation.
Best start saving to upgrade to whoever comes out with the next best thing!0