How can I change bridge in the app?
The previous Internet bridge stopped working and I had a spare one identical. When I try to register it to my Home it says "Impossible to connect the server, try again". The bridge is connected to the internet correctly and has all 3 lights on. I also tried to do a test account and it can be registered here without any issue. Is there a fix for that? Or do I need to delete my home and restart from 0?
Is this the V3 series?
Need to clarify, are you asking about the process of ensuring that all your devices marry with the replacement bridge? How do I pair the tado° devices with the Internet Bridge? | Help Center for tado° V3+ and earlier devices.
Or are you talking about removing the old bridge from the app and replacing it? That literally means
- First mate the devices with the new bridge.
- Ensure that the new bridge has all three lights running. in the app.
- Delete the old bridge in the app,
- Scan the new bridge's qr code in the app.
Should be fixed. If a problem, contact support.