w.Intercom = i;Radiator valve placements — tado° Community

Radiator valve placements

We have a 4 bedroom house and use the tado smart thermostat and valves. We have 4 radiator valves, one in each of the 3 main bedrooms and one in the living room, the smart thermostat is in the dining room. There are manual valves on the remaining radiators.

When the tado valves reach their programmed temperature, does the system still provide heat to the manually set valves?

I think I have the set up right but would appreciate any advice on managing a hybrid system such as ours?


  • davidlyall
    davidlyall ✭✭✭
    edited February 5


    Once Tado sees that all the rooms it manages have reached their set point, it will shut off the heating. It knows nothing about the rooms with manual valves.

    If you want the non-Tado rooms to keep heating, you have a couple of options.

    1. place the smart thermostat in the coldest non-Tado room so it keeps the heating running for longer so all rooms get up to temp. This may not be easy to do if the smart thermostat is wired
    2. add smart TRVs to the other rooms so that they can also request heat. This may be overkill if the rooms are seldom used.
      You could use the basic version of the Tado TRV for this to save some money. 4 pack is available for £123.74 on their website compared with £191.69 for the 4 pack of the standard TRV