w.Intercom = i;img.ProfilePhoto.ProfilePhotoMedium { padding: 10px; }Comments on Tado from a first time user — tado° Community

Comments on Tado from a first time user


I'm new to Tado. I'm in the UK, it's a bit parky at the moment, and we've had Tado installed for two nights.

I've quickly reached the conclusion that the radiator thermostatic valves are essentially pointless without a separate temperature sensor controlling them. Last night i had the 3 radiators in our room set to 25oC on the tado valves. They got there quickly, but then modulated to keep around 25oC at the valve. Unfortunately it was nowhere near 25oC away from the valves.

I've already resorted to removing one of the valves, putting the old £6 TRV on, and using the £60 Tado TRV as a remote sensor set as the control temperature...

This is ridiculous.

A very simple remote temp/humidity sensor (i found this one after about 15seconds - https://www.amazon.co.uk/SwitchBot-Thermometer-Hygrometer-Alexa-iPhone/dp/B07L4QNZVF/ref=pd_cp_60_2/258-6955357-3441849?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B07L4QNZVF&pd_rd_r=44daddd5-2876-497c-8ba2-07041c3d0525&pd_rd_w=jjgsz&pd_rd_wg=YCbOj&pf_rd_p=90a1ae50-b353-4b88-b984-b1b8b30d3309&pf_rd_r=B2RRSDFTY3GWF5DSXQ97&psc=1&refRID=B2RRSDFTY3GWF5DSXQ97) should be an essential part of any large room setup - this one costs £25. But without it the valves are basically pointless.

Looking through some of the feature requests i see this has come up a number of times - i hope Tado look at it seriously as the system is flawed at the moment, to the point where i'm close to uninstalled all the radiator valves.

So - the question is - Are Tado going to release a remote temperature sensor to control zones? If so, when, and at what price point? I'd be happy to pay £10-25 for a sensor that made the valves work correctly.




  • samd
    samd ✭✭✭

    You can, of course, use the temperature offset facility* but that has its limitations. However, I agree wholeheartedly that a cheaper roomstat is required.

    *Settings>choose the room..

  • Thanks samd - i tried that - in fact i had to use that to get the valves showing the same temperature - the initial calibration was a bit flaky.

    I'm sure something could be done with IFTTT and homekit etc..., but i want to make things simpler, not more complex, and it's definitely something that should be included in the tado ecosystem.

  • Well, after lots of messing around today i've decided to end my foray with the radiator valves, and have removed them, boxed them up and they're on their way back to Amazon.

    For me the system is not fit for purpose as is.

    I'll keep the external thermostat to control the central heating with schedules - i can see some benefit there. and the wife can easily turn it up/down to suit.

  • Expecting the temperature offset to improve the situation is like expecting an improvement by just changing the units from Celsius to Fahrenheit