w.Intercom = i;Can't add Smart Radiator Thermostat to room with Smart Thermostat — tado° Community

Can't add Smart Radiator Thermostat to room with Smart Thermostat

Hi all,

I have a strange effect when I add a Smart Radiator Thermostat to a room with a Smart Thermostat. When I add the Radiator Thermostat to the system there is no problem and I can manage it (in a seperate room), but when I move it to the room with the Smart Thermostat the Smart Thermostat set the temperature automatically to 25 degrees. When I change the Smart Thermostat to a normal level, whitin seconds it turns back to 25 degrees. When I remove the Radiator Thermostat from the room this effects disappears. What could be wrong? It has worked for years…..


  • @davidlyall would you be open to chipping in? I've never managed to get the hang of setting up the relationships between Smart TRVs and Smart thermostats, ie the zone controller thing. Would you mind getting involved?

  • Very strange behaviour.. I've not seen that with my system but I only have one room with this type of setup.

    I think @Emcee or tado support might need to get involved in this one
  • @davidlyall It isn't that hard to do and it worked for me several years. You probably have a room with a Smart Thermostat in it. Just move the TRV's to this room and after that the Smart Thermostat is controlling the TRV's. (Which in my case results in a very strange effect) ;)

  • @Emcee - help please?

  • @oost1346

    Yes, I have one room working that way for nearly 2 years. No issues setting it up. I don't understand the issue you're seeing so think that tado support might need to get involved. Sounds like possible data corruption

    Have you tried removing the devices and room then re-adding them?
  • Hello oost1346

    Is it possible you mistakenly selected 'Boost' during installation? This is admittedly unlikely, but the only reason I can think of for why your V3+ devices (I hope you don't mind, I had a look at your account) would just heat up to their highest setting.

    If not, unfortunately I can't do much beyond recommend contacting support via chat. From what I can see, there is no support ticket currently linked to your email address.

  • @davidlyall Yes I did a fully reset on both TRV's and added them if they were new. Same result…. It happened again!

  • @Emcee Of course it is no issue to check my account ;) No, I didn't select boost. I will create an ticket via chat. Thanks

  • @oost1346 keep us informed. @Emcee does a good job of keeping the team on their toes.

  • oost1346 Have you tried reseting the smart TRV (by removing the batteries and reinserting them back in). When I move my smart TRV's around, sometimes, I have to manually reset the TRV's to get the config data loaded and all system sync'ed.

  • Hi @dchao

    Yes I did. I even removed them from the system fully and re-installed them. Unfortunately this didn't worked out