w.Intercom = i;How to override resume schedule. — tado° Community

How to override resume schedule.

I want to set a time when Tado will close down a radiator at the same time every evening so it will not come on in the morning or until I turn it on manually during the day. The problem is that whenever I turn it on manually it overrides the time to switch off until I press ‘resume schedule’ but if I do that it comes on at a specific time later which I don’t want.

Does anyone know how this can be done.

Best Answer

  • samd
    samd ✭✭✭
    edited December 2024 Answer ✓

    If you delete the schedule for that room then its default on 'return to schedule' is 'turn off'. If you then select that room, turn it on and select a time to close, that time will be saved for future use.