w.Intercom = i;one Head with very old firmware — tado° Community

one Head with very old firmware


I have a system with 8 Heads on the heaters unit.

All the heads are at 215.1 fw while only one is with 54.20 and it's not updating.

The one with 54.20 is often disconnecting from system and consuming lot more batteries than the others.

How to force FW upgrade?

Thank you,



  • Hello @massironzitti

    It doesn't surprise me that the Smart Radiator Thermostat not upgrading is the one that often loses connection. tado° will usually perform firmware updates when it sees the device is 'stable' enough to receive them (e.g. good battery state, strong connection).

    Other community members have reported that removing device, removing the batteries, waiting 10-15 minutes, and re-installing the device encouraged firmware updates.

    If that doesn't work, please contact support via live chat.

  • Kissarmy
    Kissarmy ✭✭✭
    edited November 2024
    If the non updating head is in a poor reception area could you swap it with the head closest to the Internet bridge and change their room associations in the app. Hopefully with good signal strength it would update soon.
    Alternatively you could just remove it from the radiator and leave it sat near the Internet bridge until it updates then remount it.
  • I have one TRV in my system which was bought second hand and remains on 54.2 (the rest are running 215.1. When I queried this with the support team they advised that the TRV was an earlier model than the rest (it looks identical externally) and thus could not be loaded with any later versions of the firmware.

    The TRV continues to operate satisfactorily and is probably the most distant from the bridge . . .