w.Intercom = i;Tado overheating rooms — tado° Community

Tado overheating rooms

I bought a house with a tado system and I'm struggling to get the temperatures right in the different rooms. When I set the temperature to 20 tado heats the room to 25 before it stops.

The problem is more outspoken in smaller rooms and I do think that the radiators are rather oversized for the rooms they're in. It seems it just takes too long before the thermostat sends a signal to the bridge.

This creates a jojo effect all day.

Temperature has gone up to 25, temperature gradually drops and only when it has dropped to 18 or ever lower tado kicks in again and heats the room back to 25.

This is in all rooms, some have smart thermostats, other smart radiator knobs.

If I check them in the app they're all online and they report the correct temperatures (sometimes far above or below the requested temperature).

Thanks for some advice/help.


  • eezytiger
    eezytiger ✭✭✭

    At a guess, perhaps the valve pins are not closing the valves (seized) or the Tado SRTs need to be recalibrated. Alternatively, check that the SRTs are actually mounted correctly, so that they can bring sufficient force to bear to close the pins.

    I would suggest removing the Tado SRTs in turn and manually depressing the valve pins with any appropriate "tool". I would also suggest a drop of lubricant upon each pin, just to help keep it free. I've heard olive oil suggested, or 3-in-1 etc.. WD-40 is not a lubricant, so don't bother with that as a long term solution, but maybe temporary.

    While the SRTs are off, pop open the battery compartment for a minute or so. When you re-mount the SRTs they should self calibrate, establishing the end stops of pin movement. When you re-mount them do make sure that they are seated properly and not loose in any way. Then, hopefully, all will be well.

  • I had the system installed on Friday and one radiator in particular was showing 24.5 degrees when set to 20, and doesn't stop heating. I just think that's the maximum temperature it shows as my radiator wasn't coping with the stress, bubbling away making extraordinary noises and the boiler still going too.

    Even when I set it to All Rooms Off that radiator is still coming on. I have resorted to taking the smart valve off and just having it the same as the bathroom radiator so that it comes on when another radiator is on. But that defeats the object as its my main living room and sometimes I just want that radiator on.

    Tried to converse with the bot on Tuesday but after it asked me for the Serial number and time of the issue it just ghosted me.

    Why is it just one radiator doing it? I suppose I am lucky that its just one…..

    Also is it right that the radiator temperatures have to be set higher than you require the room temperatures to be?

    thank you in frustration

  • hugbilly
    hugbilly ✭✭✭
    Try contacting support at: operator@tado-844a35e31252.intercom-mail.com