w.Intercom = i;New installation. Upstairs radiators always on, downstairs always off. — tado° Community

New installation. Upstairs radiators always on, downstairs always off.

I just installed the wireless V3+ starter kit and despite having a schedule of the heating turning off and on at different times, the upstairs radiators are always on and the downstairs radiators are always off. I also tried setting the heating to off in the app, no change.
I replaced a danfoss tp9000 and tp4000 with the tado boxes.
When the heating is set to 5°C the box says that it's heating to 5°C.

I did the wiring on the back of the wireless receiver as so (wires from the named position on the tp9000 going to the position on the wireless receiver):
2 neutral wires to the neutral
2 live wires to the live
The wire that was in DHW ON going to WH NO
The wire that was in HTG ON going into CH NO
2 remote sensor wires in the parking.

Does anyone know what's wrong? What's the solution.


  • policywonk
    policywonk ✭✭✭

    From what you've described, it seems that your system has one zone valve handling upstairs, driven by one thermostat; another zone valve handling downstairs, with another thermostat driving it.

    1. Is this correct. - are there two zone valves dedicated to central heating?
    2. Do you know how to identify zone valves and whether they are open or shut?
    3. Is it just these two thermostats which determine what is happening with the boiler? What handles the time-of-day based programming, is it something else? If so, what?
    4. Is this a combi boiler? Is it an S plan, or if not, what is it?
    5. Do you have a device, eg. an electrician's screwdriver which lights up when it touches a live point or a multimeter which enables you to safely measure whether any given pin on the Tado is live or not? If so, please take photos and give us the readouts for each pin, at both points.

  • Si3232
    edited October 8
    Yes, there are 2 zone valves.

    I can identify the zone valves but I don't know how to tell if they're open or shut. I did feel the pipes comming out of the central heating valves. One is hot and the other is cooler.

    It was just the 2 thermostats.

    My boiler is a conventional boiler. A glowworm flexicom hx. I also have a water tank.

    It's is S-plan. There is a valve for upstairs. A valve for downstairs, and a valve going into the hot water tank which I assume is for the hot water.

    I have one of those pens comming in the mail, today.

    Thanks for your time.
  • I've been thinking.
    The tp9000 thermostat controlled to downstairs and the tp4000 was supposed to be for the upstairs.

    When I installed the wireless receiver the instructions said to just bridge the 2 wires comming out of the tp4000 with the wago.

    Do i need another thermostat in place of the tp4000? Or can the setup with the wireless receiver where tp9000 was do both upstairs and downstairs now that those wires are bridged?

    Then again the downstairs radiators didn't come on at all.