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default temperatures

What should the default temperatures be set at on the Tado thermostat?

What should the heating temperature be set to all day, as my house is freezing and I'm worried about putting the heat on full all the time.

A temperature for when people are home and not have the heating on constantly and a away temperature so the house isn't freezing while we are out, but not costing me a fortune in energy bills.

What should the hot water temperatures be set to, I currently have it set to come on at points of the day when we require hot water on demand like the morning and night, but what temperature should the hot water be set to for say a hot bath, and the temperature for when its just sat around in the pipes doing nothing?

So to summarise all that, what should my recommended default temperature settings be on my full heating and water system?

Best Answer

  • dennisoliver
    dennisoliver ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Its a matter of personal taste. Hot water should be about 60 degrees Celsius

    Try heating living rooms to about 21 degrees to start with and then adjust for comfort. Bedrooms can normally be a couple of degrees cooler.. I set my smart schedules to heat the bedrooms in the early morning and the evening but be at a lower temperature over night and during the day. Living rooms are warm during day but cool at night 16 or 17 degrees) or when there is no one hope.

    takes a little trial and error


  • Thank you, i shall adjust my temperatures to your suggested settings and see how i get on thank you Dennisoliver