w.Intercom = i;Intergas Xtreme 36 modulation with Tado — tado° Community

Intergas Xtreme 36 modulation with Tado

Yesterday I had my 15-year-old AWB Thermomaster replaced with an Intergas Xtreme 36. On my old AWB, once the modulation was set via EBUS (D07 on Tado), I could see the modulation temperature of the kettle on display. Now with the Intergas, the setting has been changed to D01 but when I click on the radiator icon on the Intergas, I see a static temperature. I am now wondering whether the Tado is actually modulating. Is there any way to confirm this? Also, any good advice on changing some settings of the boiler to better integrate with the Tado?

Best Answer

  • Rob
    Rob Admin
    Answer ✓

    D01 = Opentherm. Which is correct for the Intergas boiler. Assuming your heating works normally, we are using Opentherm and thus modulating your heating. Nothing else I can add there.

    You can set the Opentherm Maximum Flow Temperature in the settings of the tado app. That is something you could not do for your old AWB boiler.
