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Tado X - Information Released



  • Bunglehaze
    edited May 2024
    Personally speaking I've been looking for other solutions than Tado while waiting for the V3 to be replaced with an upgraded version so at least I can have an exit planned if whatever version was announced was not really any better.

    Questions I have and I can't see answered for X.

    Is it going to plagued by the same issues as V3, curves only being set by Tado with no ability to let the user override if their home requires it , or no real learning capability that would allow a degree of intelligence on when a user needs more or less heat. Essentially we just have just a thermostat that's controlled elsewhere to someone else's setting, that's not smart at all.

    Is the weather compensation going to be any effective? Anything beyond doesnt seem to work would be an improvement. Too many times my Tado has failed to heat my house on cold snap days, or overrun on warmer days.

    Is it any more compatible with my boiler , I pretty much know that my Glow Worm is not going to be able to modulate still which is a huge sticking point in having an expensive on off switch.

    Having to tweak my offsets and settings between different seasons is irritating, has anything been improved in the UI that will allow users to do more with THEIR device. Probably also linked to weather compensation not feeling like it's working to be fair but still something I feel is missing.

    Can I set my own temperature in the UI yet? I don't heat my home to 20c so seeing an interface option telling me that my house is too cold is actively unhelpful. Again too much control by Tado, not enough for the customers application.

    Are the rad stat TRVs compatible? If that's a no then that's a huge e-waste problem, more electronics that end up in landfill when they needn't be. The only reason I'm still even considering upgrading Tado rather than getting rid of it is due to the price of investment in things like the TRVs so Tado are shooting themselves in the foot expecting customers to rebuy everything from scratch , then set it all up again.
  • FFM
    FFM ✭✭

    Am I the only one who just bought a complete V3 set (moved and left the old installation in) and I couldn't care less about X coming out? Visually, I prefer the V3 TRV (all white), the X looks a bit more clunky. Maybe I would like them eventually but just for looks, I prefer to stay with V3.

    I never had issues with reaching the V3 TRVs. I assume if you have, you have sold your V3s (as so many angrily complained on this board and threatened xyz) and can now use X. Awesome.

    It would/will be easy for Tado to add new features (same brain, just different channels to the heaters) for both. Not sure what they could possibly add but if it is software, I am sure I will see it on mine as well. If not, then that is also cool. My V3 works.

    Some outbursts here are interesting…

  • Emcee
    Emcee Admin

    Hello @Bunglehaze

    Thanks for posting in the community forum. tado° wants to hear from its customers, even if it means receiving constructive criticism.

    Just wanted to highlight that it is not tado°'s goal to have customers "rebuy everything from scratch". Customers with V1, V2, V3, and V3+ Homes will continue to benefit from updates and support from tado°.

  • Bunglehaze
    edited May 2024
    @Emcee I appreciate that but a great many customers were unhappy with V3 on for some of the reasons I posted.

    Saying you will continue to support a system people don't really want to keep but they can at full cost upgrade (if X is actually any more smart or controllable) isn't much help.

    Where customers are already onto a heavy investment in Tado, the thing that will help retention isn't continued support for that model, but a reason not to have to look elsewhere and invest a similar amount with a different solution.

    Like I said, is Tado any more smart, is it any more customer centric or is it still the same system with new hardware? Because the latter will mean I have to buy something that works over something that causes frustration.

    If it IS more customer configurable, shout it from the rooftops, because that might just be the thing that makes customers who have had a similar experience to me, buy into it.
  • DamianT
    edited May 2024
    At least make a Matter v3+ Internet bridge that is able to communicate with other Matter equipment (visible as one hardware for Matter devices - but for sure it's possible that it could operate as individual pieces via some tunneling) and can communicate with existing, "old" Tado hardware.
    It shouldn't be that hard to make and gives the opportunity to finally add offline mode for example.

    Otherwise it looks like you don't care about existing customers and don't want to waste any more resources on the old versions. Like - we've already got your money so why care.

    In my opinion you should at least consider a trade-in programme, as the v3 hardware was pricey enough and the new one won't be cheaper.

    Personally - if I had to upgrade my system, considering the fact that you somewhat abandon your existing V3 customers (let's be honest - I can't remember when we had any firmware updates), I'd think twice getting into Tado the second time...
  • I'm a disappoint v3 user (before X was announced).

    • Issues with a single bridge not providing coverage for the whole house
    • The bridge needing to be connected to both ethernet and USB power
    • No always on display with the wireless thermostat
    • TVR closing the valve as the room was "warm enough" but not hot enough to stop pumping hot water around the rest of the house. (Has been returned).

    The matter upgrade on X looks like the first couple of issues will be resolved. Of the videos I've seen for the thermostat most have them in a no display standby mode, that really isn't good enough but might be a setting that we can enable? Forth would probably needed to be tested in my home setup.

    Other than the not available in the UK until later this year, I'd expect some kind of financial incentive to upgrade and ideally a better upgrade route that isn't delete your old account, lose all your settings and start from scratch.

  • Oh yes, tado made the worst possible decision here.

    @Emcee If the aim was not a full repurchase, then what exactly? Because you do not support adding X devices to a V3 home. You do not have a new bridge, which would allow a V3 home to be upgraded to Matter. You did not and do not plan to solve any of the issues we had for years with V3; instead, you released a new set of hardware, which we cannot upgrade to without a full repurchase, and you do not even have an upgrade program in place (send back old devices for a discount…)

    So Emcee, if the aim is not a repurchase, then tell me please:

    1. When is Matter support for V3 coming? (via a new bridge if required)
    2. When will a range extender for V3 be available?
    3. When will you provide complete offline control, including schedules for V3 in your app? (HomeKit is not an acceptable answer for this.)
    4. When will hybrid V3 + X systems be supported for extending V3 systems with up-to-date devices without a repurchase?

    Also, when do you plan to finally address other REAL V3 customer issues instead of releasing new devices with the same problems? For example, when do you plan to add multi-home support to your app?

  • Emcee
    Emcee Admin
    edited July 2024

    • I am but a lowly community manager. None of these decisions were made by me, so excuse me if I think it's a little funny your comment was written as an interrogation…

      But to keep it short and sweet

      1. It's not, that I know of
    • 2. It won't, that I know of
    • 3. Someday
    • 4. It won't, that I know of

      Wishing you a nice weekend @ajuhos !
  • wateroakley
    wateroakley Volunteer Moderator

    Consumer and business markets can be fickle. Whatever users think about the present V3+ system, the new X stuff and an upgrade path, the current smart heating setup saves us around 50% of the ££ we previously would spend on heating and hot water.

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  • SPT
    SPT ✭✭
    I would return your Tado system and then look towards brands that have a genuine interest in maintaining there product set and looks after customers.
  • Tado please take on board how much your existing loyal customers are unhappy by the X system. The main gripe is the dual bridge capability for house coverage. You have customers that have significant investment in you and this feels like a bit of a kick in the teeth.