Where to put the cables?


When I took off my functioning thermostat, I noticed the wires are not connected in the way as I know them. I know that the blue cable is generally speaking always the Neutral wire. This doesn’t seem to be the case here (I checked other thermostats, and they are all wired this way). Should I put the blue wire in P1, like the neutral? Or should this one go into NO?

I’ve attached a picture as reference

Best Answer


  • policywonk
    policywonk ✭✭
    edited April 28
    Do you have a multimeter? That black wire may actually be simple, representing switched live. So:
    Brown is the live feed
    Blue is the neutral feed
    Black is switched to live when the thermosats is calling for heat. It is dead when not calling for heat. Use the multimeter to check.

    This diagram


    suggests that black is switched live but please check with a mains tester or multimeter.